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Harry wakes up in a panic, he can sense something is off. He quickly turns to check on Louis, freezing when the older isn't next to him.

"Lou?" He calls out, noticing the bathroom and walk in closet doors are open. "Lou?"

Harry frowns as he takes the covers off, getting out of bed. He checks the guest bedroom, nothing. He makes his way downstairs and instantly notices the keys to one of their cars is missing.

"Fuck, Lou." Harry curses, pulling at his hair.

He opens the garage door to see that their car is in fact gone. Harry runs back up the stairs, getting his phone. Without a second to spare he calls Louis.

The phone call goes straight to voice message. He desperately calls Jay, praying to what ever gods there are that she answers. He has a tight grip on his hair as he pulls it, ignoring the pain.

"Come on, Jay." Harry mumbles, holding the phone to his ear as he checks their closet, only to see some of Louis' clothes missing.

"He's here. He's safe, Harry." Jay sighs the moment she answers the phone.

"Thank god." Harry sighs in relief, his grip on his hair loosening. "Can I talk to him?"

"I don't think that's a good idea, he just fell asleep." Jay says softly, not wanting to upset her son in law.

"How long ago did he get there?" Harry asks, taking a seat on the bed.

"About two hours ago." Harry can tell Jay is exhausted, this taking a toll on her.

"I'll let you get some rest. Just tell Lou to call me when he wakes up." Harry asks softly, staring up at the ceiling.

"I will. Get some rest, Harry." Jay says softly. "I love you, goodnight."

"I'll try, Jay. I love you. Goodnight." Harry smiles softly, although he knows he won't be sleeping.


Harry straightens his posture as he exits his car, walking towards the office building. He puts his profession expression on, hiding behind it like a mask.

He notices the few reporters outside the entrance, making him groan internally. He makes a mental note to get security to deal with them later.

"Is it true you are romantically involved with one of your employees?"

"Are you married to Mr Tomlinson?"

"Is there an affair going on with you and one of your employees?"

Harry ignores the questions being asked. He sees Thomas push reporters out of the way, making a path for him.

"Thank you." Harry whispers to Thomas as they walk towards his office, he notices the way roaming employees watch him.

Thomas enters the office with him, shutting the door behind them. Harry takes a seat at his desk, watching as Thomas cautiously stands next to him.

"Just say it, mate." Harry sighs, looking up at Thomas.

"Do you want me to call him?"

"No, he will call when he is ready. It's no use trying to pressure him. He'll just run." Harry sighs, placing his head in his hands. "Fuck! Why'd he have to just leave like that."

"I don't know." Thomas says softly, rubbing Harry's shoulder in comfort. "He'll come back. We both know he panics."

"He texted to say he was staying at Jay's for a while. Didn't say how long or if I'm allowed over." Harry pulls at his hair. "He didn't even say I love you or put an x like he usually does."

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