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"Tomlinson, I need you to attend a meeting for me." Harry hands a folder over to Louis, the older turning in his chair to face his husband.

"Yes, Mr Styles."

Louis hides his soft smile as Harry does the same. To them, they are smiling brightly at each other, to others it's just a quick glance.

"Be in my office at one-twenty. I will debrief the plan with you."

Louis nods, his eyes never leaving Harry's. The younger leans down about to connect there lips before remembering where they are. He turns his head and grabs the closest object on the older's desk.

"I'll see you later, Mr Tomlinson." Harry clears his throat, standing back up straight.

"One-twenty on the dot." Louis nods, trying to hide his amused smile.


Louis knocks on the office door, excited to see his husband again.

"Come in." Harry calls out, smiling widely when Louis walks in. "Hi, Baby."

"Hey, Harry."

Louis walks over to his husband, his fingers subconsciously fiddling with each other. Harry notices and frowns slightly. He opens his arms for Louis, closing them around his husband. Louis sits on his lap sideways, head resting on his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Harry whispers, pecking Louis' temple.

"What if I mess up?"

"You won't. You're the smartest person in the company, besides me, obviously." Harry adds making the older chuckle.

"My genius." Louis pecks his lips, shifting on his lap. "You know you took my stapler, right. I use that more than I use my pen."

"Yeah, figured." Harry huffs playfully. "Had to cover my mistake."

"You were gonna kiss me." Louis teases him, making fun of the situation.

"Can you blame me, you look so kissable." Harry whines, throwing his head back.

"Why aren't you kissing me now then?" Louis grabs the younger's chin, making him look at him.

"Want to." Harry whispers, dazed slightly.

"Well, hurry up, Curly."

Harry leans forward hurriedly, connecting their lips. Louis using his hands to pull Harry's face away before connecting their lips at a slower pace. Harry allows Louis to set the speed before he takes over.

"Don't I need to leave?" Louis asks as they pull away for air.

"Meetings at two-thirty." Harry mumbles before he connects their lips again. "Go home or go shopping."

"Can I buy a puppy?" Louis flutters his eyelashes at his husband.

"No. Buy a car instead." Louis stares at the younger in shock, making Harry chuckle.

"Bet you're the only person in history, to say that."

"Probably." Harry grins. "Thomas will be with you at all times, so don't even try."

"You're no fun." Louis pouts, smiling again when Harry pecks his lips. "I love you, Hazza."

"I love you, Lou." Harry taps Louis' bum, a signal for him to get off his lap. "Now go, you're distracting me from my work."

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