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"Harold, wake the fuck up." Louis pinches Harry's arm, making the younger groan.

"Lou, it's night time. That means it's sleep time." Harry mumbles hiding his face in the pillows.

"It's December the first. It's one am, meaning it's morning. So get up." Louis flicks Harry's ear, getting flipped off in response.

"Go back to sleep." Harry groans, holding the pillow over his ears.

"No, Harry. Get up. We have to decorate." Louis pulls at Harry's arms, trying to get the younger out of bed. "Come on, move your lanky body and put those muscles to use."

"We can decorate in the morning." Harry rubs his eyes when Louis throws the pillow across the room. "Lou."

"It is morning. Now come on or I'll do it by myself."

Louis huffs when Harry doesn't move. He slaps the younger's chest lightly getting a chuckle from him. Louis leaves the room, mumbling curse words at his husband, making Harry roll his eyes fondly.

Louis smiles as he opens the hallway closet filled with Christmas decorations. He grins like a mad man at the comforting smell of tinsel and dust.

He reaches up to grab the box on top. Groaning when he can't reach it by a few centimetres. He goes on his tippy toes, fingers just grazing the box. Huffing in annoyance Louis looks for something to stand on, groaning when he can't find anything.

"Lou?" Harry calls down the hallway.

"In here."

Louis jumps up to grab the box, he still doesn't manage to get it. He almost falls backwards, but arms wrap around him, holding him to his husband's chest.

"Good catch." Louis pats Harry's arms, turning to face him with a smile.

"How about I get the boxes out and you get me a coffee." Harry kisses Louis' cheek before nudging the older in the direction of the kitchen, already looking for the ladder.

"Okay, you have ten minutes. I want all the boxes in the living room." Louis points a finger Harry, giving him a stern look.


"Thanks, babe." Harry smiles as he takes the coffee from Louis, arms slightly sore from carrying all the heavy boxes.

"Yeah, yeah." Louis tries to keep his energy bottled up. "Please hurry up and drink it."

"Calm down, Lou. We have all day, it's Saturday." Harry chuckles, taking a sip from his coffee.

"I know that. But I wanna decorate now." Louis pouts making Harry copy him.

"I'll drink this as quickly as possible." Harry sighs, getting a grin from Louis.

"Thank you, babe. You're the best." Louis kisses his cheek before sitting next to the boxes. "I'll start sorting."


"Harry! Don't!" Louis sprints to the front door, grabbing Harry's arm.

"What did I do this time?" Harry huffs, letting Louis take the tinsel from his hand.

"This tinsel is for the tree. That's why it was in the tree pile." Louis raises an eyebrow at Harry's attitude. "The tinsel for the door is on the couch."

"They're the exact same." Harry rolls his eyes.

"They actually aren't. This one is shinier so it goes on the tree." Louis takes the tinsel to the tree, giving the correct tinsel for the door to Harry.

"You're stepping on the line woman." Harry points a playful finger at Louis.

"Do shut up with your references." Louis rolls his eyes, trying to hide his smile. "Help me put the ornaments that go near the top of the tree on."

"Just get a ladder, Shawty." Harry smacks Louis' ass as he walks past his husband and over to the tree.

"You're stepping on the line woman." Louis pinches Harry's arm, making him hiss in pain.


"Did a good job, love." Louis smiles softly as they admire their Christmas tree.

"We did a good job." Harry smiles before he frowns. "You've got to be kidding me."

"What?" Louis asks confused.

"We forgot the fucking star, again." Harry says making Louis groan.

"Of course we did. We do this every year." Louis rolls his eyes searching for the star. "Don't just stand there, help me find it."

Harry and Louis start searching, with all the packaging and rubbish in the living room, finding the star is more difficult than they thought.

Louis moves the pillows on the couch, searching the furniture. Harry collects rubbish in his hands as he searches the floor.

Harry's about to stand up when he sees something sparkle in the corner of his eye. He instantly smiles and reaches under the couch for the star.

"Got it, Lou." He stands up, holding the star out for the older.

"Alright, bend down."

"Okay." Harry smirks, laughing when Louis hits his chest.

"Don't be cocky."

Louis takes the star from Harry. He watches as the younger squats down. Louis gets onto his back, regretting it when Harry stands up again.

"Don't fucking drop me." Louis chuckles as Harry walks towards the tree.

"Just shut up and put the star on, idiot." Harry rolls his eyes but can't hide his smile.

Louis reaches out and places the star on the top of the tree. He smiles as Harry walks backwards so they can admire it.

"Now it's complete." Harry says smiling as he tilts his head to look up at the older.

"It's perfect." Louis looks down at Harry, stroking the younger's cheek. "Put me down so I can kiss you."

"Not gonna argue with that."

Harry helps Louis off his back, pulling the older into his arms the moment his feet land on the ground safely. Louis smiles softly as he cups the younger's face.

"I love you, Harry."

"I love you, Louis. Now hurry up and kiss me."

Louis chuckles before connecting their lips. He feels Harry smiling into the kiss, making him pull away. He admires the younger's smile, feeling the happiness radiating off him.

"So beautiful, baby." Louis caresses Harry's cheek.

Harry smiles, he covers a yawn with his hand, making Louis chuckle.

"Someone's tired." Louis teases playfully.

"Not my fault, some lunatic woke me up at one in the morning." Harry pouts, getting a kiss from the older. "Let's go back to bed."

"It's eight in the morning, Haz." Louis chuckles, brushing Harry's hair back.

"Don't care, I'm tired."

"Then we have to let you get your beauty sleep." Louis takes Harry's hand, making the younger follow him to their bedroom. "Can't have you all worn out on me."

Harry nods lazily, kissing Louis' cheek as they enter their room.

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