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"Morning." Louis mumbles as Harry rolls over to face him.

"Love waking up to your face every morning." Harry mumbles, smiling at the older.

"Shut up." Louis smiles pushing the younger's face away.

"Get up." Harry responds, kissing the older's cheek before getting out of bed.

"No." Louis whines, rolling away from his husband.

"Oh, but yes." Harry grins, pulling the older's arm.


"I swear to god, Styles, if you don't slow down." Louis threatens, gripping Harry's shoulders tightly.

"Come on, you're enjoying this." Harry grins cheekily.

"Slow down, or I'll kick you in the dick."

Harry slows down, feeling Louis' grip loosen. Louis' thighs squeeze Harry's torso, as Harry grips the back of them.

"You're the one who wanted a piggyback ride." Harry huffs, walking towards the couch. "I'd never let you fall."

"I know." Louis grins, hopping off the younger's back.

Louis lays down on the couch, looking up at Harry with a wide smile. The younger leans down and kisses his lips sweetly, gasping in shock as he is pulled on top of Louis.

"Work in an hour." Louis mumbles as they pull away.

"Don't remind me." Harry rolls his eyes, making Louis chuckle.

Harry rests his head on the older's chest, feeling Louis massage his scalp. He nuzzles his nose into Louis' stomach before kissing the spot.

"So glad I kissed you that day." Harry mumbles, frowning when Louis looks at him offendedly.

"You kissed me?" Louis raises his eyebrow at the younger.

"Yeah?" Harry frowns.


"How'd it go then?" Harry raises an eyebrow challengingly.

"I kissed you." Louis matches the challenging look. "We were at my front door, just staring at each other. Our hands brushed and you got shy. You wouldn't look at me. So I literally said 'fuck it' and kissed you."

"I don't remember that." Harry frowns, keeping up the act.

"How do you remember it then?" Louis crosses his arms over his chest.

"I remember you were blushing. You said I looked extremely handsome and you wanted to marry me. I pulled you in by the waist and kissed you."

Harry grins cheekily as Louis rolls his eyes. Louis hits the back of his husband's head before huffing. Harry chuckles when the older curses under his breath.

"Sorry what was that?" Harry replies cheekily.

"I said, you're a dickhead." Louis pushes Harry off his chest, getting a grin from the younger. "We both know I kissed you."

"Yeah, maybe." Harry moves back to Louis, hugging his waist. "I can live with you making the first kiss happen. Mainly, cause I made the first move, in asking you out."

"Deal." Louis moves his hands back to massaging his husband's scalp.

Harry sighs in content at the feeling of his scalp being massaged. He nuzzles his nose in Louis' stomach before exposing his teeth and gently biting him. Louis gives Harry's hair a tug, shaking his head when the younger stares up at him with a wide grin.

"No biting."

"I love you." Harry responds, watching Louis' lips form a smile.

"I love you." Louis pulls Harry's head up by his hair to kiss his lips. "But still no biting." 

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