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Harry smiles fondly at Louis. His husband is still fast asleep, one hand clutching the pillow, the other resting where Harry was laying.

Harry leans down, moving Louis' fringe out of his eyes. He places a kiss to the older's cheek, before caressing the spot.

"Lou?" He whispers, gently kissing the sleeping man's cheek for a second time. "Beautiful, time to wake up."

Louis makes a noise of discontent, rolling over to put his back to his husband.

"Come on, love." Harry moves to lean over him, using his hand to hold himself up.

"Five minutes." Louis mumbles, pulling Harry down and snuggling against him.

"Already given you ten." Harry chuckles, running his fingers through Louis' hair. "You need to get up now, Lou."

"Don't feel good." Louis pouts, eyes still closed.

"I'll carry you." Harry offers, chuckling when Louis opens his eyes, smiling.

"If you insist." The older says cheekily.

Harry scoops his arms under Louis, lifting him up as he sits up. He carefully gets out of bed, making sure Louis is secure in his arms.

"Thanks." Louis mumbles into Harry's neck, clinging to the younger.

Harry kisses his head as he opens the bathroom door. He places Louis on the counter, kissing his cheek before stepping back, once Louis lets him go.

Harry grabs their toothbrushes and toothpaste. He gets Louis' ready for him, handing it to his husband with a kiss on the cheek. Louis smiles gratefully at him before starting to brush his teeth.

They brush their teeth in silence, Harry occasionally smiling widely around his toothbrush as Louis looks at him. Louis nudges Harry's leg with his feet, nudging him away from the sink so he can rinse his mouth out.

Harry tickles Louis once he is done, making Louis squeal and push him away. Harry smiles before rinsing his own mouth out.

"You goofball." Louis shakes his head smiling.


Louis wraps his arms around Harry from behind, resting his head on Harry's shoulders.

"Smells good." Louis kisses the back of the younger's neck.

"Pancakes. Normal. Know you don't like eating much when you feel sick." Harry moves one hand to lace with Louis' hand on his stomach.

"Thank you."

They stay content in the embrace, Harry caressing the older's knuckles as Louis closes his eyes and relaxes.

Harry turns his body slightly to be able to kiss the older's head, telling him he needs to let go so he can serve them up. Louis kisses his cheek before stepping back, getting plates out for them.


"How you feeling?" Harry asks as Louis puts the plates in the sink.

"Better. Just needed a little food in my stomach." Louis squeezes Harry's bicep in appreciation.

"Tell me if you need the day off." The younger says seriously, making Louis smile softly.

"I will, don't worry."


Harry is about to yell at someone when his office door opens, however no sound comes out his mouth.

"Hazza?" Louis asks softly, walking into the office.

"Lou, what's wrong?" Harry stands up in alarm, wrapping his arms around his husband.

"I think I need the day off." Louis mumbles, hands clenching the back of Harry's shirt.

"Take a seat, Lou."

Harry guides Louis to the chairs in front of his desk. He kisses the older's head before walking to the mini fridge and grabbing a water bottle. He uncaps it and hands it to Louis, watching as the older takes a sip.

"Do you want me to call Milo to take you home?" Harry asks softly, taking a seat in the chair next to him.

"No, it's okay."

"Lou, he can take you home if you feel ill." Harry takes the bottle as Louis hands it back over, capping it and placing it on his desk.

"It so lonely at home, though." Louis frowns, a slight pout on his lips.

"Want to stay in here? Take a nap?"

"Yeah. Do you have any medicine?"

"Not in here. I'll get Thomas to get some. You just try and sleep." Harry brushes Louis' hair back, kissing his forehead.

"Be nice to Thomas." Louis mumbles as Harry places a blanket over him.

"I'm always nice to him." He chuckles when Louis raises an eyebrow at him. "Just rest, will ya."


"How's Tommo?" Thomas asks entering the office.

"Tired and sick." Harry says softly, brushing Louis' hair back.

"Brought the one he likes." Thomas sets the medicine down on Harry's desk.

"Thank you." Harry smiles appreciatively at his best friend. "Means a lot."

"Don't sweat it." Thomas says seriously before turning playful. "Anything for my bestie boo."

"Get out of here." Harry tries to hide his smile. "Lock the door on your way out."

Harry chuckles as Thomas blows obnoxious kisses to him as he walks backwards to the door. Thomas does a whole dramatic scene as he locks and closes the office door. Harry shakes his head chuckling, loving the antics of his best friend.


"Hey, Lou." Harry gets out of his seat and kisses Louis' head when he starts to wake up. "You feeling better?"

"Fine." Louis mumbles, moving on the chair to get comfortable.

"Still not feeling that good?"

"Not really." Louis sighs, moving his legs to sit up straight.

"Thomas got the medicine, if you want some."

Louis nods, getting a kiss on the head from his husband before Harry walks over to his desk to get the medicine. Harry opens the draw, pouring the correct amount on a spoon for Louis. He hands it over to the older, who tries not to pull a face at the foul taste.

"Good job, Lou." Harry takes the spoon and places it on his desk. "If you want we can go to the shelter next week."

"Really?" Louis' eyes light up, looking at Harry in pure happiness.

"Really." Harry smiles widely.

"Thank you!" Louis presses his lips to Harry's harshly.

Harry chuckles into the kiss. Grinning as Louis pulls back smiling widely, his eyes crinkling by the sides. Harry caresses his cheek. Using his hand on Louis' face, Harry brings his husband's face closer to peck his forehead.

"Rest for a bit, yeah?" Harry whispers, stroking Louis' cheek. "Then we will go home."

"Okay." Louis pecks the younger's lips. "Don't get sick from me."

"I don't care if I do. It's worth it."


"Thank you." Louis smiles appreciatively as Harry pulls his chair out for him.

"Noodles, to make you feel better cause you don't like soup." Harry explains as he pushes Louis' chair in, taking his own seat after.

"Soup is just weird. Makes me gag." Louis scrunches his nose up.

"Not the only thing that makes you gag." Harry wiggles his eyebrows at the older, getting a loud laugh out of Louis.

"Cocky, you are." Louis rolls his eyes at his husband playfully.

"You know it." Harry winks at him.

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