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"Thank you." Harry kisses Louis' cheek as he takes a seat.

"Most welcome." Louis pushes the younger's chair in.

He takes a look around the restaurant, no one is watching them. He smiles softly as he turns back to Harry.

"How you feeling?" Harry asks, watching him carefully.

"I'm fine, Haz. It's not as bad as I expected. I feel okay, safe even." Louis reaches over to caress the younger's hand.

"I'm glad. We haven't had a public date in two years."

Louis smiles sadly at Harry, feeling guilty for it. Harry gives him an encouraging smile, kissing his hand before letting it go to read the menu.


"Thank you for the fantastic date, Mr Tomlinson." Harry says as Louis opens his door for him.

"You're most welcome, Mr Styles." Louis shuts the door behind his husband.

"Are you gonna give me a kiss goodnight and tell me you wanna do this again?" Harry flutters his eyelashes at Louis.

"I could, or I could take you to my room and show you how much tonight has meant to me." Louis smirks, watching as Harry's facial expression changes to desperate.

"Yes." Harry says breathlessly, making Louis chuckle.


"Louis, my office, please." Harry's voice comes through the office speakers.

Louis stops his typing, saving the document before standing up. He sees people frown at him as he walks out the office space. He makes his way down the hallway, knocking on Harry's door before entering.

"Yes, Mr Styles?" Louis walks to Harry's desk.

"I have an offer for you." Harry opens his arms, inviting Louis to sit on his lap.

"An offer, you say?" Louis smirks as he sits on the younger's lap.

"Not like that, get your head out the gutter." Harry rolls his eyes, hitting Louis' arm softly.

"What type of offer then?" Louis asks with a frown.

"I need an assistant. I'm offering you the job." Harry tells Louis with a small smile. "It would mean you can have your own office. You would be doing less work."

"I can't do that, Harry." Louis looks at Harry sadly.

"What? Why not?" Harry frowns, smiling falling.

"They'll know, Harry." Louis gets off his husband's lap, making the younger frown.

"No, they won't." Harry stresses, reaching out for the older again. "They all think I'm married and have a wife at home. Not to mention they think you're single, it's not like you wear your wedding ring."

"I'm sorry." Louis whispers, looking down, fiddling with his fingers.

"I don't want to keep hearing you apologise, Lou." Harry sighs, wrapping his arms around Louis. "I just hate that no one knows I'm taken by you. I want them to know."

"I'm getting there, I'm just not ready for the people here to know."

"And I'm so proud of you, so happy we went on a public date." Harry kisses his husband's cheek.

"I'll accept the offer, but we have to actually do work. I'm not fooling around with the boss." Louis smiles softly as Harry chuckles.

"Would have to kill the boss, if he took you from me."

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