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"Lou?" Harry shakes Louis' shoulder gently. "Louis?"

"Yeah?" Louis mumbles, opening his eyes to look at the younger tiredly.

"Will you come to the bathroom with me?" Harry asks so softly, Louis almost doesn't hear it.


"I need to pee. I just don't wanna go alone."

Louis sighs when he sees Harry's pout. He sits up in bed and kisses the younger's cheek. Louis stands up and waits patiently for Harry to do so as well. He walks over to the ensuit, hearing Harry follow. He opens the door, holding it open for the younger.

"Come in with me? You know the mirror creeps me out at night."

Louis nods, still slightly asleep. He walks into the bathroom with Harry. He stands facing the other way as Harry walks past him, giving the younger some privacy.


"What do you want for breakfast?" Harry asks as they exit the shower in the morning.

"I'm not that hungry." Louis shrugs, making Harry turn to face him with a worried look.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing to worry about. Just not feeling the best." Louis caresses the younger's cheek in hopes to ease his worry.

"Is it your stomach?" Harry asks, placing a hand on the older's forehead.

"Yeah and a bit of a headache." Louis shrugs, smiling softly at Harry's concern.

"I'll get the medicine." Harry opens the medicine cupboard and grabs the pain relief.

"That one tastes like shit." Louis scrunches his nose up.

"But it works so you will take it." Harry holds the medicine out, having gotten the correct amount already.

"Bossy." Louis huffs but takes the medicine anyway, scrunching his nose up at the flavour. "Fucking horrible."

"Christmas holiday is in a week." Harry changes the topic, starting to get pancakes ready.

"I know, excited to spend more time with you." Louis puts the pancake mix away for Harry.

"About that." Harry grins sheepishly.

"What did you do?" Louis raises an eyebrow at the younger.

"I'm working for an extra week."

"Harry." Louis whines. "That's seven more days without you."

"I know, but I have to. The company won't run itself." Harry looks at Louis pleadingly.

"Gotta stop working so hard, babe." Louis wraps his arms around Harry's waist, to show he isn't mad.

"Yeah, I know." Harry relaxes in the older's embrace.


"How are you feeling?" Harry asks as they put the dishes away.

"Better." Louis smiles kissing the younger's temple. "Lots better."

"How's work been, you know since you've been back?"

"It's fine. The same as before people knew." Louis shrugs, before smiling at the younger. "Although, I do love the little see you later routine you have. The kiss on the cheek makes me start the day in a good mood."

"I'm glad. Would prefer if it was your lips. But you get what you get." Harry shrugs, grinning at the older.

"Then just kiss me on the lips." Louis says making Harry's jaw drop in shock.

"Don't play with me like that, Lou."

"I'm not, Harry. I'm being serious. I don't care if the people in the office see. It's not like they are the media." Louis caresses Harry's arm.

Harry doesn't say anything. He wraps his arms around Louis' torso, squeezing the older tightly. Louis chuckles and tangles his fingers in Harry's hair as the younger rests his head on his chest.

"I love you. I love you. I love you." Harry repeats, smiling widely.

"I love you." Louis chuckles.


"You gonna be okay?" Harry asks as he pulls out Louis' chair for him.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." Louis caresses his husband's cheek before taking a seat.

"If you feel any worse, just come to my office."

"Yeah, okay." Louis smiles at Harry, easing his worry. "I love you, now go to work."

"I love you." Harry kisses Louis' head.

Louis watches Harry walk away, smiling fondly at his husband. He frowns when the younger turns around at the exit. Harry starts walking back over to him, looking determined.

When Harry reaches Louis, the older doesn't get a chance to question Harry, as the younger places his lips on his. Louis kisses back immediately, feeling Harry's thumbs stroke his cheek as he cups his face in his palms.

"What was that for?" Louis asks once Harry pulls away.

"You said I could kiss you." Harry shrugs, smiling widely. "Bye, Lou."

"Bye, Curly." Louis chuckles as Harry walks out happily.


"I'll have to make a few adjustments to the contract. Other than that, I don't see any reason not to sign this deal." Harry says to the man opposite him.

"I'm glad you agree, Mr Styles. Sorry again for the lack of notice." Mr Rylan smiles kindly at Harry.

"It's quiet alright. I was planning on sche-" Harry pauses his sentence when his office door opens.

He watches as Louis walks in, rubbing his eyes tiredly. Louis walks straight past Mr Rylan, not even noticing his presence.

"I feel like shit." Louis mumbles, wrapping his arms around Harry neck. "My head is fucking pounding and the stupid phone keeps ringing.

Harry wraps his arms around Louis' waist, hugging him. The older rests his head on top of Harry's.

"Do you wanna go home?" Harry asks softly, sending Mr Rylan a quick glance to say he will be with him in a minute.

"No, I think I'll sleep here." Louis kisses Harry's head before letting go, he turns around and freezes.

"Louis, this is Mr Rylan." Louis smiles sheepishly, making Harry chuckles at his embarrassment.

"Please to meet you." Mr Rylan chuckles as he stands up. "It was great seeing you, Harry. I best be going now. If you have anything else you wanna know, just email me."

"Will do. Have a good day." Harry watches as he walks out the room.

"Harry." Louis whines, turning to the younger in embarrassment. "Why didn't you tell me he was here?"

"Wasn't important." Harry shrugs, looking at the papers in his desk.

"That was so embarrassing." Louis groans, taking a seat in front of his husband's desk. "I want the earth to eat me up."

"It's fine, Lou. It's not like the whole world saw. You're unwell, that's your excuse. Not that you need one." Harry gets the blanket out of one of his filing cabinets, placing it over Louis and kissing his cheek.

"Still." Louis mumbles, snuggling into the blanket. "You should get a couch."

"Maybe." Harry smiles softly, pecking the older's temple. "Now go to sleep. You need to rest."

"Goodnight, Curly."

"Goodnight, Boobear."

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