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"Tomlinson." Harry clears his throat to get Louis' attention. "I need you to accompany me to an event, it will be next Thursday. A tux will be sent to your house."

Louis nods, turning in his chair to face the younger. He tries to hide his smile as he sees Harry do the same, the moment their eyes lock.

"I'll be there, Mr Styles."

Louis looks down to Harry's lips, licking his own as he looks back up into the green eyes.

"I'll be outside your house at five. Be ready." Harry nods, turning around, leaving before he can't stop himself and kisses his husband.

Louis smiles softly as he turns back to his computer. He begins typing, already knowing he doesn't have to worry about anything for next Thursday.

"Tomlinson!" Leslie calls through the office, making Louis rolls his eyes. "Don't try anything, he is with me."

Louis ignores her, turning back to his computer.

"If he is with you then why aren't you his plus one?" Louis can't bite back the comment as he turns to face her.

"He said I'd distract him to much." Leslie flutters her eyelashes, Louis mentally pictures ripping them off, as a calming method.

"Sure he did." Louis rolls his eyes.

"You're just jealous he doesn't make love to you." Leslie smiles at him sickly. "He makes love to me."

"So jealous." Louis replies sarcastically, turning around to face his computer. "Fucking no good bitch."


"What happened?" Harry stands up in alarm when Louis stomps into his office.

"Fucking Leslie." Louis groans, turning to look at the younger with a slight glare. "Why haven't you fired her?"

"I haven't witnessed any behaviour to make that decision." Harry says calmly, rubbing Louis' arm in a calming matter, although stops when the older throws his hands in the air exasperatedly.

"I want her gone."

"I can't just fire someone, Lou." Harry sighs.

"Yes you can. She is being inappropriate in the workplace."

"I have only had you complain about it, and unless you fill out a employee complaint form, I have no evidence." Harry tries to calm the older down by caressing his cheek.

"She is telling people you make love to her, Harry." Louis says sadly, looking into his husband's eyes. "She is a no good octopus looking ass."

"Don't do the octopuses dirty like that."

"I want her gone." Louis moves away from Harry, walking to sit in the office chair.

"Is that all?" Harry walks over, sitting in the older's lap.

"Yes." Louis huffs, wrapping his arms around the younger's waist.

"You know, you're really hot when you're mad." Harry smirks, looking down to Louis' lips.

"I'm serious, Haz. I want her gone."

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