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"Announcement." Harry says into the microphone, waiting a second to allow his employees to stop their tasks. "There will be a celebration night for the new deal. I'd like to thank, Louis Tomlinson, for making it happen."

Harry can hear the cheers from the open offices, he smiles as he stops for them. Louis is definitely red in the face from the attention and Harry might get a earful later, but it's worth it. He isn't going to take credit for Louis' achievements.

"If you would like to attend, no RSVP is needed. It will be held at the Azure club tomorrow night. It will be on my tab, but stay aware. Hope to see you there." Harry turns away from the button before facing it and pressing it again. "One more thank you to Louis."

Harry has to make sure Louis knows how appreciative he is of him, even if it means announcing it in front of everyone. Louis deserves the credit and praise.


"Why are you paying for everyone?" Louis asks, entwining his and Harry's hands on the centre console.

"Technically, the company is." Harry starts rubbing his thumb over his husband's knuckles. "But, I don't mind."

"I would tell them all to pay for their own fucking drinks." Louis mumbles, making Harry chuckle.

"That's why I'm the boss, not you."

"You're just nicer. We both know I'm the boss at home."

"Yes, you are." Harry brings Louis' hand to his lips, placing three gentle pecks to it. "Drop you off here?"

"Yeah, just next to this blue car."

Harry nods, releasing his hand from Louis', to park next to a blue car. He sighs as Louis reaches over and caresses his cheek, eyes closing at the feeling.

"Stay safe." Harry whispers, opening his eyes to look into the blue ones in front of him.

"Always." Louis smiles softly at him, moving his hand back. "I love you."

"I love you, Lou. I'll wait for you to walk in before I drive ahead."

"Okay. Don't be too long, I'll miss you too much." Louis smirks cheekily, pecking the younger's cheek before exiting the car.

Harry watches Louis walk up the street, waiting till the older is in the club before exiting the car park. He drives the car to the front of the building, parking in reserved.

He takes a deep breath to calm his rising nerves, he's never had a company celebration.

Once he's calmed down a little, he takes his seatbelt off. Turning the car off and grabbing his keys and phone, he exits the car, locking it after closing the door. He walks into the club, ears being violated the moment he walks into the loud building.

"Mr Styles!" Harry smiles as his employees raise a shot glass for him.

"Don't drink to much." Harry chuckles, waving at them before walking to the bar.

"Took you long enough." Harry turns to Louis with a bright smile, even though the older rolls his eyes, Harry knows that he missed him.

"Had to keep you on your toes." Harry winks, leaning on the bar.

"Yeah, yeah." Louis stops to allow Harry to order his drink. "I don't like that everyone knows it's was me, who made the deal."

"Too bad." Harry thanks the bartender as he gets his drink. "I'm not going to take credit for your accomplishments."

"Wish you just would." Louis mumbles, before playfully punching Harry's bicep and turning to walk away. "I'll be on the dance floor if you need me."

Harry shakes his head with a smile at his husband. He watches amused as Louis sways his hips walking away.


Harry can't help but keep a close eyes on Louis. He makes sure his partner is safe and happy at all times. He does still glances at his other employees every now and then, but no one has his attention like Louis does.

Harry admires Louis.

Admires the carefree smile on his face. Admires the occasional laughter leave his lips. Admires the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles brightly. Admires the way his hips sway. Admires the way he doesn't spill any of his drink.

Harry admires Louis, everything about him.

"Harry, I'm going home now." Thomas taps Harry's shoulder to get his attention. "Lucy is having trouble getting Sophie to sleep."

"All goods. Kiss the little cutie's cheek for me." Harry pats Thomas on the arm, more in a playful swat. "Lou wants to be invited over soon."

"Lucy has been wanting you over for weeks. By you, I mean Louis." Thomas playfully teases. "Nah, I'll be sure to tell her to invite you guys over."

"Good." Harry smiles before pushing Thomas away. "Go home to your family, shoo."

Thomas chuckles as he ruffles Harry's hair before walking away. Harry groans and fixes his hair. He glances at the table of employees before searching the crowd for Louis.

When his eyes land on his partner he feels his face contort in anger. Louis gasps, turning around and slapping a man.

Harry is quick out his seat, making his way straight to Louis. He stands between Louis and the man, putting one arm back for Louis to be secured by.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, grabbing someone's ass like that?" Harry seethes, his hands closing into fists.

"Chill man, didn't know he was taken." The other dude holds his hands up in surrender.

"That doesn't make it fucking right. Learn consent, you asshole."

When the man walks away, Harry turns to Louis. He touches his cheek gently, caressing it. He whispers into Louis' ear, asking if he is okay. When Louis shakes his head, Harry steps back a bit to assess him.

"Wanna go home?"

Louis nods his head, clinging to Harry's arm. Harry kisses his head, telling him he will guide him out after he informs the others they are leaving.


"You okay, baby?" Harry brushes Louis' fringe back.

"Yeah. Cuddles?" Louis whispers back, looking at Harry with sad eyes.

"Of course, Lou."

Harry lays on his back, instantly feeling the pressure of Louis' body laying on his chest and side. He wraps an arms around Louis' waist, the other playing with the fluffy hair.

"I love you." Louis tilts his head up to kiss Harry's jaw.

"I love you, boo." Harry kisses the older's head. "Thank you for getting that deal. Tonight was supposed to be a celebration of you but everyone got too drunk."

"I don't mind. Much rather just spend my time with you."

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