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Harry chuckles as Louis rushes past him, again. Harry wraps an arm around his husband's waist, pulling him to his chest.

"Calm down, Lou." Harry chuckles, caressing the older's waist.

"I just have so much energy." Louis smiles, tilting his head back to look at the younger.

"I can see." Harry kisses his head. "How about we pack everything from the same room at once. Then we don't have to walk back and forth."

Louis huffs, making Harry smile. Harry holds Louis by the waist as he continues to pack. Ignoring the older's protests. Louis shoves Harry's arm off his waist with a huff.

"Asshole." Louis mumbles as he walks out their bedroom.

"Everyone has one, Babe." Harry chuckles, hearing Louis curse at him in response.


"Hey, Babe." Harry grins as he wraps his arms around Louis' waist from behind. "You're not actually mad at me, are you?"

"No, not at all." Louis rolls his eyes, making Harry huff playfully.

"Is it because I refused to let you go." Harry replies cheekily.

Louis turns in the younger's hold, giving him a warning look. Harry ignores the look and kiss his lips instead. Louis rolls his eyes when Harry pulls away, trying to hide his smile.

"You love me." Harry grins, loving the way Louis tries to stay mad at him but smiles.

"Yeah, yeah." Louis rolls his eyes, letting his smile show.

Harry chuckles as he lets the older go. He pecks Louis' cheek before pinching his side and running away.

"I take it back!" Louis shouts after the younger, Harry laughs loudly as he runs to their room.


"Mum!" Louis runs into his Mother's awaiting arms. "I missed you."

"I missed you more, Louis." Jay rubs his back, hugging her son close. "You look so grown up."

"I'm twenty four, Mum." Louis chuckles, wiping his cheek after a tear falls down. "You look just as beautiful as always."

"Don't flatter me, love." Jay hits his shoulder playfully as they pull away. "Go inside, Lottie is waiting."

"I wasn't flattering!" Louis shouts as he walks inside.

Harry waves at Jay from the car. Jay smiles as she walks over, embracing her son in law. Harry relaxes into the hug, feeling a familiar sense of comfort wash over him.

"Hey, Jay." Harry says once they pull away, opening the boot to get Louis' bag and his own.

"How are you, my boy?" Jay asks, going to grab a bag but Harry pushes her hand away.

"I'm doing good." Harry nods, shutting the boot. "And to answer your next question, Louis is treating me perfectly. I couldn't ask for a better husband. You raised him to be the best, Jay."

"You two need to stop with the flattering." Jay rolls her eyes playfully as they head to the front door.

"You know we aren't flattering." Harry kisses her cheek before walking into the house.


"Surely, you let me do your hair again." Lottie grins, walking closer to Harry.

"It's not very long anymore, I cut it." Harry tries, smiling uneasily.

"It's still pretty long." Lottie moves closer when Harry moves back, looking to Louis in fear, making his husband chuckle. "Come on, Harry. Let me do your hair."

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