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"You ready, Lou?" Harry asks as he enters the bedroom. "We're gonna be late."

"Yeah, just let me put my shirt on." Louis says, struggling.

"Careful." Harry says worriedly, catching Louis as the older loses his balance.

"Thank you, babe." Louis kisses Harry's cheek.

"It's okay. Wouldn't want that pretty face to get damaged." Harry does Louis' buttons up for him.

"What a charmer." Louis rolls his eyes, making the younger chuckle.

Harry straightens Louis' shirt before taking a step back. He kisses the older's temple before leaving the room.

"Wait!" Louis rushes after the younger, grabbing his arm to stop him. "Harry, the morning gifts."

"Fuck, forgot about those." Harry grabs Louis' hand and walks them back to their room. "Wait here, I'll go get mine."

Louis grabs his present for Harry from their closet, placing it on the bed next to him. He waits patiently on the bed for his husband to come back.

Harry smiles brightly as he walks back into the room. He watches Louis smile widely back as he takes a seat next to him.

"Who's first?" Harry asks, placing his present next to him.

"Me. I'll regret not getting you something better if I see yours first." Louis chuckles lightly, handing his present for Harry over to him.

"You always get amazing things, Lou." Harry leans over to kiss the older's cheek.

"Yeah, yeah. Open your present." Louis says softly, rolling his eyes with a smile.

Harry smiles as he takes the bow off the present. He carefully unwraps the paper around the small box. He can hear Louis' breathing pick up as he scrunches the wrapping paper up.

"Please, hurry up." Louis whines, fiddling with his fingers. "You're making me nervous."

"Calm down, Lou." Harry caresses the older's cheek before opening the small box. "Fuck, Lou. This is amazing."

"You sure, cause I can return it and get you something else." Louis says nervously, making Harry smile softly.

"I love it, Lou." Harry leans closer and kisses his husband's forehead. "Put it on me?"

Louis nods, taking the ring out of the box. He gently grabs Harry's right hand, placing a kiss to it. Louis looks at Harry's eyes before looking back to his hand, placing the ring on his index finger.

"I feel like we just got married, again." Harry chuckles softly, admiring the ring.

"I'm glad you like it." Louis smiles fondly at the younger.

"I love it." Harry smiles, turning to grab his present for Louis. "Open mine now?"

Louis nods, laughing softly when Harry gets jumpy. He takes the present, opening it carefully. He gasps at the sight in front of him.

"Hazza, it's beautiful." Louis stares at the necklace in awe. "Harry, this is the most breathtaking present ever."

"Can I put it on you?" Harry asks softly, smiling widely as he watches Louis admire the gift.

"Yes, please do."

Louis passes the necklace to Harry before he turns in his spot, back to the younger. Harry gently places the necklace around Louis' neck, connecting the ends.

"It suits you." Harry says as Louis turns to face him. "It's a 'S' for Styles."

Harry watches as Louis admires the necklace, the decoration on his palm. Louis traces the diamonds in the 'S'.

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