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"No." Louis says seriously as Harry shimmies towards him.

"I know you want it." Harry smiles widely.

"Please." Louis scrunches his nose up in disgust, making Harry laugh.

"Come and get it." Harry rushes after Louis, grabbing his husband around the waist and kissing his cheek. "Guess we both need a shower now."

"You're so gross." Louis pretends to vomit, as Harry's sweaty arms soak his shirt. "We had a rule, no touching me after you work out."

"I don't like that rule." Harry pecks Louis cheek as he turns the older around in his arms.

"I do." Louis rolls his eyes.

"Too bad." Harry grins. "Shower time."


"Let's go to the beach house." Harry says excitedly as they watch tv.

"Today?" Louis raises an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Yeah. Spend tomorrow there. Have some away time."

"Yeah?" Louis asks softly, looking at Harry fondly.

"Yeah. Tonight, we will fly there. We can spend the weekend as Monday is a public holiday." Harry smiles brightly, watching as Louis nods.

"If that's what you want. Then I'm not opposed." Louis brushes the younger's hair back. "Let's go then."


"Can't believe we are doing this." Louis chuckles as they get onto the private plane.

"We deserve a break from the chaos." Harry caresses the older's hand as they take their seats.

"We do."


Louis massages Harry's scalp as the younger rests between his legs, back on his chest. They look out the plane window, admiring the clouds and the way the sun shines over them.

"You're beautiful." Louis whispers into Harry ear, kissing the younger temple.

"Shut up." Harry smiles widely, looking up at Louis.

"The truth needs to be said." Louis grins, kissing Harry lips.

"Just look out the window, you idiot." Harry pulls away and pushes Louis' face in the direction of the window.

"You're more breathtaking."

Harry smiles at the older before turning slightly to get more comfortable. Louis entwines his hand with Harry's over the younger stomach. Harry smiles as he looks out the window, feeling Louis rest his head on top of his.


"So good to breathe fresh air." Harry inhales and exhales exasperatedly as they exit the plane.

"City air just isn't the same." Louis sighs happily.

Harry grins, turning around to face the older. Louis raises an eyebrow at him in question. Harry grabs his hand, running with him to the car. He can hear Louis chuckle behind him as he drags the older with him.

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