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Louis throws his head back in laughter. Harry smiles widely, happy he was the cause of Louis' happiness. Louis hits Harry's chest lightly, pulling the younger closer. He places a kiss to Harry's lips, breaking it to laugh a little more.

He's about to say something but his phone ringing cuts him off. He pulls back from the younger slightly, frowning as he looks over at his phone.

"You gonna answer it?" Harry asks with a frown.

"I guess." Louis shrugs answering the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey Lou, it's Thomas." Louis hears, he mouths to Harry that it's Thomas. "I need to speak to Harry."

"Yeah, sure. I'll put him on." Louis holds the phone out to Harry. "He wants to speak with you."

Harry frowns as he takes the phone. He places it against his ear, listening intently to what Thomas says.

Louis watches as Harry face pales, the younger looks at him wide eyed. Louis frowns, placing his hand on Harry's knee.

"What?" Louis whispers, leaning closer to try and hear what is being said.

"Thank you. I'll tell him now."

Harry hangs up the phone, placing it on the table. He looks at it for a moment, facial expression blank. Louis starts to get worried, caressing the younger's knee in comfort.

Louis watches Harry carefully, the younger refusing to look at him. He notices Harry twisting his wedding band, a habit to tell he is nervous.

"Baby, talk to me." Louis whispers, placing his free hand onto Harry's to stop his motion.

"I." Harry pauses, sighing before he moves his hands out of the older's hold and starts pulling at his hair. "We."

"It's okay. What's happened, love?" Louis asks softly, trying to grab the younger's hands to stop him from hurting himself.

Harry looks at Louis with a look that kills the older. His eyes are sad, the green being covered with glossed over tears. He shakes his head, taking Louis' hands in his.

Harry lets a tear fall as their phones go off with notifications. Louis looks worriedly at the younger before glancing at their phones.

Louis goes to turn their phones off but Harry grabs his arm, shaking his head sadly. Louis' breathing picks up as he starts to worry.

"I'm so sorry, Lou." Harry whispers, tears falling down his face. "I can't do anything to fix it."

"Harry, what's going on? You're scaring me." Louis whispers, close to tears.

"They know, about us." Harry looks down, avoiding the older's gaze. "I'm so sorry. Please just don't leave me."

Louis can't say anything. His face morphs into shocked. His eyes release a silent tear, falling down his cheek.

Louis pulls Harry closer to him, wrapping his arms around him protectively. He cradles the younger's head to his chest, feeling the tears soak his shirt.

"I can't leave you." Louis whispers, kissing the younger's head.

He tastes his salty tears as they flow, falling onto Harry's hair. He chokes back a sob as he tightens his arms around Harry.

"I'm sorry, Lou." Harry sobs into the older's chest, wrapping his arms around Louis' waist. "The security footage from the Gala was leaked. It wasn't supposed to be about us, it was an attack on a thief company. But we were in the footage, kissing and dancing."

"It's all over the news?" Louis asks, arms loosening around the younger.

"I'm sorry, Lou. I can't get rid of this one." Harry pulls back to look at his husband.

"I know, baby. I know." Louis whispers, stroking Harry's cheek, wiping his tears off his face. "It's okay. We'll be okay."


Harry pulls his shirt on, glancing at Louis as the older does the same. Louis is first to get into bed, pulling the covers over his body.

The older lays on his back, arm open for Harry to join. Harry gets into bed next to him, smiling softly when Louis pulls him onto his chest. 

Harry hums in content as he wraps an arm around Louis' waist, head resting on the older's chest. Louis massages the younger's scalp, tugging at his curls softly.

"I love you, Haz." Louis whispers leaning to kiss Harry's head.

"I love you." Harry mumbles, kissing his husband's chest.


Louis looks down to his sleeping husband. He pushes Harry's hair back on last time before kissing his forehead.

"I'm sorry, Hazza." Louis whispers. "It wasn't meant to end like this."

Louis stays in the moment for another minute before he gently moves the younger off him. He replaces his body with a pillow, making sure it doesn't wake Harry up.

"My beautiful Curly." Louis kisses his husbands head before walking to their wardrobe.

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