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Harry writes a quick note to Louis, explaining that he will be in his office on a business call, then will head out to a meeting before going back to the office for another virtual meeting. He ends the note with 'I love you' before placing it on the bedside table.

He quietly gets his clothes from the wardrobe, glancing at Louis to make sure he didn't wake him up. He holds his breath when Louis makes a noise, releasing it when his sleeping husband snuggles closer to the pillows.

Harry finished getting dressed, brushing his teeth and combing his hair till it looks good. He makes a mental note to get his hair cut soon before exiting the bathroom.

"Bye, Lou. I love you." Harry whispers, kissing the older's head. "I'll be back as soon as possible."


Harry gets in his car, throwing his folders on the passenger seat. He waves goodbye to Thomas, watching the bodyguard get into his own car and leave the premises.

Harry follows, leaving the parking lot and exiting onto the busy street. He merges into the left lane, taking the turn quickly.

He is about to turn right to head towards the office but changes his indicator to left. He grips the steering wheel tightly, knuckles turning white as he takes the next turn.


"Lou?" Harry calls through the house, placing his keys on the counter.

He doesn't get a response, so he goes searching. He makes sure the older isn't in bed first, knowing Louis likes to sleep in on weekends.

He is surprised when he doesn't find Louis upstairs. Harry goes back down stairs, noticing the back doors are open. He walks outside with a frown.

"Louis?" He calls again, this time hearing a splash to his right.

"Hazza, you're home!" Louis grins, getting out of the water quickly. "Thought you'd be another two hours."

"Wanted to see you, missed you." Harry scrunches his nose up when Louis hugs him, soaking him in pool water. "Thanks for making my clothes wet."

"You're welcome." Louis grins, he steps back analysing the younger. "Where's your tie?"

"Didn't wear one today, you know I hate them." Harry huffs, rolling his eyes at the mention of a tie.

"I do." Louis smiles fondly. "How was the meetings?"

"Boring, listened to boring people talk about boring stuff." Harry rolls his eyes. "How has your morning been? Have you eaten? How long have you been in the pool?"

"I've eaten." Louis caresses Harry's check to help him relax. "It's been a good morning. Been in the pool for about thirty minutes."

"Glad you've enjoyed your day so far." Harry smiles softly, kissing Louis' forehead. "You gonna get out soon?"

"Yeah, was thinking of having a shower." Louis fiddles with Harry's hand. "Maybe you'd wanna join me."

"I'd love to, any excuse to see you for longer."


"Good afternoon, sorry I'm late, technically difficulties." Harry smiles apologetically through the camera. "How is everyone today?"

Louis holds in a snort at the excuse. He sits on the couch in Harry's office, listening into the business call. He aimlessly scrolls through random apps, ending up playing Subway Surfers.

"Nothing to worry about, Mr Styles." Joseph the other business owner smiles. "Our days have been good so far."

"Yes, busy but good." Ben the other business owner says.

"That's good to hear." Harry responds politely before turning his facial expression to a cold one. "So, back to business."


"Lou?" Harry whispers, muting the video call.

"Yeah?" Louis looks up from his phone.

"Would you please get me some water, my throat's really dry." Harry asks shyly, getting a fond smile from Louis.

"Of course, love."

Louis smiles at the younger, standing up and heading to the door.

"Everything alright, Mr Styles?" The couple both look at the computer.

"Yes, sorry. Just asking my assistant something." Harry says after he unmutes himself.

Louis smiles softly at the younger before leaving the room completely.


"Thank you." Harry whispers when Louis puts the glass of water down.

Louis nods, knowing Harry isn't on mute. He takes his seat back on the couch, watching the younger fondly as he continues the call.

To most, Harry's professionalism is intimidating, but to Louis, it's adorable. He often finds himself looking at the younger fondly when he is working. There is something calming about it to Louis.


"That went good." Louis stands up from his spot on the couch and walks over to Harry.

"Yeah, better than expected." Harry smiles, placing his hands in the older's when Louis motions for them. "You alright?"

"Yeah, just tired. Listening to you speak business is way to calming, makes me sleepy." Louis smiles softly, caressing the younger's hands.

"I'm taking that as a compliment."

"It is." Louis kisses Harry's forehead. "What are you making for dinner?"

"Wraps. It's quick and easy."

"Sounds good. I'll watch." Louis smiles cheekily.

"You always watch, try helping." Harry rolls his eyes playfully, letting out a playful huff when Louis punches his arm softly. "I'm joking."

"Sure you were." Louis rolls his eyes, caressing the spot he punched, even though it didn't hurt. "I was actually gonna offer cutting the veggies. But now I won't."

"Please, I've seen you cutting a tomato." Harry chuckles, making Louis glare at him. "It would be more helpful if you didn't cut the veggies."

"You're just rude."


Louis bumps his leg with Harry's. He turns his head to face the younger, getting a small smile from him. Louis pulls Harry closer, resting the younger's head on his shoulder.

They sit there in a peaceful silence on the stairs, looking towards the front door. They can see the whole bottom floor of their home. Louis hums in content as he pulls Harry closer to him.

"Where you wanna go?" Louis asks in a whisper.

"No where, I'm happy here with you." Harry kisses the older's jaw.

"No, I mean, where do you want to go. Not today but your dream place."

"Wanna go to Paris with you. You and our little family."

"You want kids?" Louis smiles at his husband.

"Only if you do. I want a baby, Lou. I want a mini version of you. Running around, sassing me. I want that all, with you." Harry smiles at the older.

"I would love that. But there is one thing wrong with it." Louis says, making Harry frown. "I want a mini version of you. A little baby with curls and the sweetest personality. It's the dream."

Harry smiles shyly, looking into Louis' eyes before getting shy and looking at his lap. Louis tilts the younger's head up, kissing his lips softly.

"Wanna spend the rest of my life by your side." Louis whispers, lips still touching Harry's.

"I wanna make sure you have everything you could ever need."

"I only need you."

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