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"How you feeling?" Dillion asks Louis while they have their lunch break.

"Fine. It's a normal day?" Louis frowns at the random question.

"You have the event with Mr Styles, tonight."

"Oh." Louis makes a face of recognition. "Still fine. I've been to others before. So, I know the other business owners."

"Reckon Mr Styles has a soft spot for you. Think you're his favourite." Dillion wiggles his eyebrows, making Louis chuckle.

"I'm just good at my job is all." Dillion rolls his eyes playfully at Louis.

"You saying I'm not?" Dillion acts offended.

"Yep." Louis grins cheekily.

"You little shit."

"Watch it, or I'll get Mr Styles on you." Louis teases.

"Bring it on." Dillion plays along.


Dillion looks at Louis strangely as the older stands up, mumbling something under his breath. Louis angrily grabs a random folder on his desk and walks out of the open offices.

He huffs as he walks down the hallway, knocking on Harry's office before entering without waiting for a reply.

"Lou?" Harry frowns standing up as the door closes behind his husband. "You okay?"

"Sit." Louis says sternly, making Harry nervously sit down.

"Everything okay?"

"We have to talk about tonight." Louis starts sighing to try and control his emotions. "I will not be eating any of their food. I rather shove my head down a fucking toilet."

Harry has a small smile on his face as he listens to Louis. He turns the aircon to a higher temperature when he notices the goosebumps covering Louis' skin and the slight shaking.

"Last time, I swear to god, Harold, will never happen again. They served us fucking duck lung or some shit and I'm not ever dealing with that again. I will personally beat up anyone who comes near me with that shit."

"That's fine." Harry raises his hands in surrender as he notices Louis' finger pointing at him. "Anything else, Lou?"

"I want to slow dance with you. I know I say no every year but I want to, like really want to." Louis looks at Harry almost begging.

Harry can't help the wide smile on his face, the fond look in his eyes or the way his nose scrunches up fondly. He watches Louis calm down, fonding over the older's every breath.

"That's all." Louis huffs out.

"Can I get a hug now?" Harry opens his arms, inviting Louis to hug him.

"Of course, you can."

Louis places the folder he forgot he was holding in his right hand, on the desk. He walks over to the younger and wraps his arms around his shoulders, standing between Harry's legs. Harry wraps his own arms around Louis' waist, nuzzling his nose in the older's tummy. Louis' hands instantly start massaging Harry's scalp, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck.

"Missed you." Harry mumbles, pecking his husband's tummy.

"It's been four hours." Louis chuckles before kissing Harry's head. "I missed you, Sunshine."

They hold each other tight for the next few minutes. Louis brushing Harry's hair back with one hand as Harry clings to his body.

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