28. Mysterious Tenant

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Teho and Mia

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Teho and Mia

"I really wanted to check up on her, 'cuz I'll be going out in an hour or so," Mia explained to Teho when they met on the stairs to her flat.

"Do you wanna join me?" she tried, ready to let him know that they could become an item.

"Maybe later," he smiled mysteriously, not wanting to decline or accept.

"Suit yourself then," she winked at him, taking her shoes off in the unusually silent room.

"Is she dead?" Teho joked nervously.

"Let's hope not," Mia said and peeked into her empty room while the photographer took off his jacket.

"Shush," she whispered, putting her index finger in front of her lips and gesturing to him to come closer.

Teho stood like a pillar above the sofa and looked down at the curled-up ball of sadness while Mia brought Somin a blanket. She tucked her in and put a pillow under the pink-haired girl's head.

"We can eat here, just try to not wake her up. I'm happy she found time to rest," Mia stated while Teho put the takeout he brought as a surprise down on the counter.

"You mean like with loud chewing?" he joked again and Mia shot him a sarcastic smirk.

"We can eat in your room," he offered boldly.

"Or not," Mia kept him at arm's length, hoping he'd want more with this resistance. She enjoyed the interest he had shown so far.

Teho sat on the ground and ate his Jjajangmyeon, as he watched Somin's chest slowly rise and fall with her breath. Mia joined him with her much smaller portion and a bowl of kimchi her mother had packed her.

"What are we doing?" she whispered curiously.

"Enjoying the silence," he answered at the same volume, nodding towards Somin.

"You know, I actually like her quiet presence. It's so refreshing after all the buzz I get in school and all. I bet she's only loud, because you press her too much. Why do you do it though?" Mia asked, putting a bite to her mouth.

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