49. Truant Threesome

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Somin, Mia and Teho

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Somin, Mia and Teho

As Tuesday marked yet another day closer to the dreaded weekend, Somin's anxious mind started the well-known ritual of preventing her from sleeping. She'd woken up every five minutes, then again every thirty minutes, like the day before some big exam when your body fills up with adrenalin to the point of being unable to fall asleep at all.

I don't want to see Cholsu. Not a chance.

Her nervousness manifested itself in her inability to even comment on Teho's teasing. Somin stayed silent the whole way to school, deep in her troubling thoughts.

We have the most unusual clique.

The zoned-out girl thought about their strange ritual.

In the morning the diligent photographer came to wait by their flat, joining them on the way to school. Always going together.

The couple's kissing was infuriating even though it looked weird by Somin's observation. Teho kissed Mia lightly, seeking only the pleasant touch of lips against his, but when Somin was around or paying attention it changed to a frantic, strangely heated kiss.

That's their business.

Does he try to make me jealous though?

Why don't I go alone? I don't want to be abandoned. Somin assured herself.

Why does it hurt then?


"Are you ok or should I call the madhouse already?" Teho's voice finally broke the mist in her mind.

They were already standing in the foyer.

How did I get here? She looked around baffled.

"What...?" Somin looked up at him.

"Ya, Somin-ah are you home?" He snapped his fingers in front of her face playfully, wondering about her unresponsiveness.

"Teho-ssi, leave her be," Mia said sweetly, having understanding for her absent mind.

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