70. Furrowed Trees

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Lee Somin

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Lee Somin

Somin ran haphazardly into the deep forest where nature could calm her senses. Drawing a deep breath once the wood greeted her between his leafy arms.

Finally, I'm alone.

In front of her lay a rock, green moss covering its surface like a soft carpet, vibrant colors sparkling with morning dew, looking fresh and inviting to sit on. She brought more coffee in a heavy pink thermos to freshen up later. The rock was a little wet, so she put a small blanket underneath to not catch a cold. The view was soothing her mind and her semi-frozen hands started to prepare the paper.

Old trees with mangled branches were caught up in an ever so slightly visible milky mist.

Nature is full of inspiration. Please, help me concentrate.

Somin yet again had a monolog to her inner audience, living her famous artist's secret life in her head.

Thank you all for showing up at this exhibition, it's extremely important for me, I'll show you my process.

Pastels in her hand were trying to catch the fleeing moment.

Please stay, cloud.

On the paper grew a brown crooked strain of a tree, heavy with furrow, like he had many scars from his lonely long life.

No one could help him to defend himself.

"Hey buddy, we are alike," it made her deeply sad, "If I were a bird I would live with you and we would be enjoying each other's company."

Well, look at me, talking to a fucking tree. Well done Somin, you aren't going crazy at all.

She started to hum sad tunes, her favorites were tragically dramatic ballads these days, it escalated to singing out loud without care that she couldn't do it properly, lacking the much-needed talent. Her heart needed it, that's why she sang. It made her love art even more.


Time went by in an artistic flow and later, she drifted even deeper into the woods to find a small meadow where sun rays faintly passed through the gray clouds. After another paper was filled with landscapes she lay in the grass, her warm fuzzy blanket underneath.

Her thermos was empty and nothing better came to mind than collecting dirt, stones, and pine needles into it.

Maybe I'll use it. I had never created with naturalia.

Somin unintentionally drew all her pieces with a darker tint letting her loneliness and sadness out. Still life pictures were mournfully brown instead of green, mist heavier and whiter, ground almost black. Trees were excessively scarred as her broken heart, alone and shattered. These paintings showed the unspoken grief and in a few pieces, the undertones of desperation were tangible. It made her feel better for the time being as she hid all of her worries in the work.

The cold of the ground made her feel alive after such long and dreadful days. Warily, she took off shoes and socks despite the cold weather.

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