132. Unlock My Secret

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Somin, Junu, Pomchun and Teho

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Somin, Junu, Pomchun and Teho

Teho knocked on the door, he was given directions from reception. Junu opened, red as a strawberry and literally hiding in his clothes.

What is up with him?

"Are you alright?" Teho asked the shy boy, raising one brow.

"I..." Junu's beautifully defined irises looked directly at Tehos', confusion tangible in them.

"...don't know," an unexpectedly sincere answer threw Teho off.

"Right," the coal-haired boy said to himself.

This kid seems weirder than usual, something's going on.

Teho went in and looked around the spacious gym-type room, Somin was cuddled in her brother's arms like a little doll.Teho panicked at first.

Then it dawned on him. She said brother, you idiot.

Admittedly her brother was indeed a magnificent man. Stylish, around my age?

"Hi there, friend." Pomchun raised his head, noticing a newcomer, greeting him with interest.

"I'm starving," Somin said from the floor while Pomchun went towards the beautiful photographer.

"Wouldn't you know, why are all the boys here today only Somin's friends? Is she like

...crazy? Will she end up like an old spinster surrounded by cats perhaps?" Pomchun joked, trying to be lighthearted and friendly, taking breakfast from Teho.

"I guess it's her comfort place to friendzone everybody," Teho answered, looking at her lying on the floor covered by a warm blanket while Junu joined her.

Pomchun smiled back at him. "You seem like a smart guy, who'll know how to escape such a thing." He winked knowingly, noticing the spark in Teho's eyes.

"It's way harder than you think," Teho let out and the Pomchun stared back at him, doing the gesture of locking his lip while Teho nodded.

"This Teho boy is deviously gorgeous," Pomchun whispered to Somin's ear as he unpacked the breakfast.

"I have eyes too, you know," she answered.

"Why don't you go and do something about it, then?" He couldn't let it go.

"It's complicated." She looked deeply sad saying it, Pomchun brushed her hair.

"It always is..." the brother concluded.

Junu placed more blankets, Pomchun had given to him, on the cold floor.

"It looks like a picnic gone wrong," Somin said, trying to get her poise back.

"I have more pillows to make the apocalypse comfier." Pomchun pointed at the locker room in the corner. "There are tiny doors, you can't miss them," he said secretively, giving a key to Junu.

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