Chapter One

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[A/N: Hi everyone! Let me know if you find any mistakes, I would love to correct them. I re-read chapters alot but we all make them. Feel free to give advice, just do it in a nice way :) This is my 2nd book but my 1st in a very long time so I'm once again new to this! Enjoy reading & if my writing is not your style, I understand that too. Photo above is Yuno's chosen avatar]

Yuno is an average citizen here in the modern world, she does what everyone else does here. Works until she drops without much reward. She has no time for dating, hardly any time to do any type of shopping other than groceries, no leisure time at all. She's getting tired of living this way, but in the end there's no other option. She works in a old office with nothing but men, she works hard to get her assignments done but men here know nothing of decency. She's starting to believe she was hired here to just be something pretty to look at, boost their egos & try to take home with them, though she's never given them the time of day.

Yuno knows she's not ugly, but she's not really "pretty" either. She's got average looks, round face, button nose, light pink lips, short shoulder brown hair, light brown eyes. She's more on the skinny side but not the hot model skinny with curves for days & long legs, no she likes to say she's "plank skinny". She wears average clothes as well nothing fancy, just some stretchy skinny jeans along with a plain black cotton long sleeve shirt.

Headed into work she grabs her over the shoulder bag that holds all of her essentials. She walks down the sidewalk through the city a few blocks into the office. All the men greet her with smirks and flirty waves, she doesn't understand how they have the time to waste flirting with her all day when all she has time for is work, work, work. She spends the work day listening to them mansplain the jobs to her even though she probably does the most work here, they continue to push going out afterwards to drink & "have fun". She makes excuses & after the days over heads home.

On the way home walking through the streets she hears little mews coming from the alleyway coming up. She stops looks behind the bins in the mouth of the ally. She see's the cutest little kitty she's ever seen, short snow white fur, the biggest teal blue eyes with little lines of brown dotted about. She must have it, she scoops it up and pets it's head. "Would you like to be mine, little one?" She asks the little baby. While it purrs it's agreement in her arms, she continues her way back home.

She comes to the cross walk that she needs to pass to get back home, she has lots on her mind while on her walk. She thinks all about how she needs to care for her new baby, how much things will cost. That's always on her mind and while thinking of money once again, her mind drifts to the office environment. She see's the green light to walk across so she heads on over without looking, the lights green & her minds occupied so she just walks on across. Thinking about the men puts her in a bad mood. "Hey miss! STOP!" She vaguely hears some yelling & honks while at the halfway mark on the cross walk. *BEEP! BEEP, BEEP!*

"Huh?.." She feels excruciating pain, warmth coming from her head. She can hear muffled screams of horror & pleas to get help. Ah.. she has a feeling she knows what's happened. She can't say she would change it.. She's so tired. She does worry about the baby she just took in. Is it all right? Poor thing.

She feels herself slipping.. She feels the cold setting into her bones. She feels compelled that she needs to wish for something, anything at this moment. I.. I wish.. to take back my life somewhere else. Anywhere but here.. and I Wish.. I didn't need.. to take no more shit from men.. Ah. This is it..

DOM System Aquired

What?.. DO..M Syst..em?

Moving World's Complete

It's so warm.. and dark, like a comfy cloud. I want to stay here. This is so much better than my life back home.

Bright red light comes out of nowhere blinding Yuno. She covers her eyes trying to block it out but she doesn't get far because the light goes right through her hands. What?! I'm translucent? What's happening? I'm scared! Okay.. Okay, Yuno calm down. Breathe.. She looks around and still sees nothing but darkness, other than in front of her. A red see through square sits right in front of her face. She takes a moment to adjust to the brightness and reads what's said on the screen.

DOM System Aquired
would you like to proceed? Y/N

She clicks the "Y" option because she'd rather see what's going on, she's seen these types of things in animes back home on the off chance she gets time in her busy schedule to watch any. I feel like something major is about to happen.. She thinks to herself.

Character Creation
create your avatar using the options below. when finished select DONE》

She scrolls down below the instructions and sees a avatar or character on the right side of the screen, on the left is a search bar & other options to create a personalized avatar. Hmm.. I guess I'll just go with the flow. Pale skin, Slim face, Thin eyebrows, Long white fluffy hair, Blood red siren eyes, darker red lips. Small yet curvy & long body. Hmm.. my ideal look, I love it! She presses the DONE button not thinking to hard about anything at the moment. She hears a *Ding!* in her head and the screen switches to something new.

Character Familiar? Y/N?

Her eyes widen seeing this option. Of course I want a Familiar! My own little baby companion, how could I deny this. She immediately clicks the "Y" and the screen pulls up two different options, one that has her jaw on the floor.

Familiar Selection
"Little One"/Random

She suddenly feels like she might faint. Her baby.. Her little one, of course she chooses this option there was no choice. And sure enough, a picture of her baby has popped up on the right side of her avatar on the screen under the option "Familiar". Oh how she wants to cry in this moment. *DING!*

World Travel? Y/N
be advised choosing "N" will result in the destruction of soul "Yuno" & "Little One"

I could never do that to my baby.. and I'm quite curious of this "World" I'll be traveling to, if this is not a dream. She clicks the "Y". She starts to feel faint but when she looks down her translucent body is becoming the avatar she chose, it doesn't last long before she starts seeing the darkness again along with the cold. I wonder what awaits me..

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