Chapter Sixteen

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[A/N: What do we think of me taking out the "*sound effects*" I had going on? Did it make the story better/easier to read? Let me know your thoughts on it for future chapters! <3 ]

Yuno POV:

"Would you like to come play with us, cutie?.." I ask him in a soft tone. Please.. please come play with me! I need to touch that mohawk! It's all I can think about it's so darn cute! I'm sure if I was still on Earth they'd think I was nuts for even thinking gigantic predators are "cute and adorable" but what can I say, I've always had a devil on my shoulder telling me things that stir that sick satisfaction in my gut. Just here I don't have to hide it, they want to do as I say, worship me.

I'm cut out of my inner monologue when I hear a loud and odd sounding laughter coming from the treeline, where I was previously staring. Looking over my shoulder, I can see cutie as I have now decided to call him, has retreated back behind the big tree trunk but I can still clearly see and hear that's he's just being shy and hiding.

Turning my body around to face where he's at I feel Kai rub his face against my back in support before lifting his head right above my shoulder so he can watch the scene. I know he won't interfere unless cutie shows signs of threat but I very much doubt that will ever happen. "Cutie?.." I ask again.

The brown ball of fur sticks his head around the trunk again. This time making eye contact, I can see very clearly with my enhanced sight. His eyes are watery like he might cry and I can only slightly hear a soft laughter like sound again. "Won't you come play?" I ask once more. I see a step forward then another, and finally he's all they way out in my view. He's so cautious, eyeing me like I might do something to him or have some type of reaction that he'd need to run from. So much like Kai.. it breaks my heart.

I put on the most gentle smile I can muster and speak softly "It's alright cutie.. I've been through this before with my sweet mate behind me. I'm nothing like them." On the last sentence my throat catches and I feel strong emotion at even the thought of treating them the way I've heard these females do here. I can't even fathom how long they've suffered.

He squats on all fours, ears pinned back as he belly crawls the whole way. Such a sad sight to me, he clearly want's companionship but seems so scared of me at the same time. Or at least scared of something, just as Kai said. He stops on the bank just a few feet from me and Kai in the water. Little One gone from the bank, probably back to the den to nap or out hunting her own lunch. I decide to let him choose the next course of action.

"You choose cutie.. Shall I come to you or would you like to come to us?" I ask him with a head tilt of my own. Lifting my hand rubbing Kai's muzzle without looking at him. He's a big comfort just knowing he's standing behind me. He makes a loud bark of laughter, but that doesn't suprise me.. He is a Hyena after all.

He slowly rises up still eyeing me and glancing at Kai, who towers over me as he stands at full height keeping watch. His large body is just a tad smaller than Kai but they don't differ in size to much. I really need to look into why the animals differ is sizes so much. Like why are beastmen animal form's as large as cars? Hmm.. thoughts for another time I suppose.

Stepping into the water at a slow and steady pace he walks to in front of me and also lays down. Our head's now at an almost even height. His chocolate eyes sparkle as they look into mine, why I'm unsure as of now. But I decide to make the first move. "Can I touch you, cutie?" I ask with a big smile, showing I'm not afraid or disgusted in the slightest. This was what Kai feared at first as well.

I get a long and slow howl like bark as a response and he lowers his head. That's what I take as confirmation since I don't speak animal. I step forward until I reach right in front of him, feeling Kai right at my back. Finally.. I'm about to touch that cute ass mohawk! I lift my hand and he flinched. I pause, pull back and wait making sure he knows I'm not about to hit him. I almost burst into tears right there.

I decide to start at the nose. I lightly touch the velvet snoot, rub all the way up in between the eyes. Which he closes as I continue, and finally the top of his head and down the middle of his neck. The long furs more coarse than I was expecting but there's also a soft under coat. I just pet him for a bit until Kai nudges me. "I love your mohawk, cutie." I giggle and step away from him and he looks a little stunned, well as much as an animal face can looked stunned.

I splash at him and run away in the water with Kai right of my heels roaring playfully at me and stomping the water everywhere. "Let's play!" I yell with a laugh. I hear his loud laughter and some gurgling snarls before I hear water sloshing around further behind me. I turn and look and see not one but two large predators chasing me with growls and sounds that should terrify me but all I get in this moment is a thrill shot down my spine.

I begin to run away squealing but decide halfway to turn around and tackle them. We tumble into the water with a splash, and end up in the more shallow side so I can just sit up. Breathing hard I wipe the hair out of my face and look over to see something that has me burst out laughing. Kai layed on his side completely soaked and cutie sprawled across the top of him with some seaweed type thing stuck on his head like a wig.

I bust out laughing so hard I can't breathe. I'm pointing at him and Kai, trying not to snort. I slap my hand over my mouth and look at them, both shocked at my out burst. Turning to look at him Kai ends up in a chuffing laughter himself. He stands up and transform as he walks over to me.

He grabs me by the waist and I latch onto him like a koala. Legs around the waist and hands around the neck facing him. "Okay, mate. Let's take a break and have lunch." He suggests. Now that he mentions it, my stomach growls. "Good idea, Honey." I kiss him on the cheek and he walks us to the firepit outside.

I glance behind us at the cutie, he's staring after us. Seeming unsure of what to do, so I help him out. "Would you like to join us for lunch, cutie?" I tilt my head with the question. He does that long bark and runs after us. While he's not paying attention I take out the deer like meat and spices from my storage, to sit between Kai's chest and mine. He sits me down and I sit the food aside for him to cook.

I feel cutie sit a bit away from me but still close. I can feel his eyes on me as I sit here watching Kai make a fire. I think now's a good time as any so, I turn to face him and sit criss cross applesauce. With a small smile I ask him the question I'm sure he's been waiting for.

"Will you transform to your beastman form, Cutie? So we can talk and I can finally see that handsome face of yours?"

I just know he's as cute as his beastform.

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