Chapter Three

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[A/N: Above is our Yuno's familiar "Little One" or as also called "Baby"]

Kai POV:

I've been searching for what feels like forever.. all my life really. I've been searching, for my mate, for my very own female ever since I came of age at 16. I'm 25 now and still no female will look at me longer than a few seconds then turn their nose away out of either fear or disgust. I don't understand why, why can't someone love me?

I'm just the same as other lions from my tribe, I just am of a different color than them. They don't understand me, I was born from two normal looking lions. I'm full blooded, hence why I'm stronger than the other males in my tribe. My fur & skin is of a different color than them, they hate me for it. I was born this way there's nothing wrong with me, I can provide for a female same as them!

I've decided to leave my tribe. No female here wants me, maybe I'll have better luck on the outside. I've traveled far and to many villages along the way, no female seems to want a different looking lion. It makes me sad, I've come to need a break from the constant rejection. I'll hide out in the hidden forest until I can subside this pain in my heart, no tribe claims this forest so it's the perfect place to get some peace.

I'm strolling through the brush & trees in my lion form looking for my next prey. Any type of kill, food or beastkin is an advancement in strength for a beastman. I have four stripes, Two on my upper chest muscles & two on my lower cheeks in human form. A show that I'm one of the strongest in the land.. yet no female seems to want me either way. I'll just have to advance further!

*SNIFF* Whats this smell? It's a very comforting smell, I must follow it to see the source. The smell gives my heart a calming sensation. I follow it, coming to a clearing deep in the woods. I don't pass the threshold of the tress and just climb a big tree & rest there watching the clearing, searching for the smell.

My eyes widen when I find the source, my heart starts to beat fast upon seeing what I can't believe is here in the middle of nowhere. I chuff softly seeing her laying there, a female! An undeniably beautiful female at that. She has long white hair, long skinny but curvy body, her eyes are closed so I can't see what color they are. I just know it in my lion heart, there can be no other female for me but her.

I watch her from my hiding place, I'm to afraid to go out there and be rejected by the first female who's made me feel this way since my search. So I hide & wait, I must see if she can love me. I see her starting to stir & my tail starts to swish back and forth knowing she's okay & just resting. Her eyes open & close & open again, red.. her eyes are a color I haven't seen on many beasts. It's amazing that a female has this color.

She moves & that's when I see it, a small beast! Has my chosen female had cubs? Does she have mates already? *INHALE* She smells unmated so this beast must not be her cub but a companion. Though I haven't seen a beast like this before, it doesn't matter. The female seems comfortable in its presence so I will not interfere, I'm also still to scared to come out yet. So I stay in my spot to observe her.

"Ah.. My baby, Little One.." I hear her speak to the creature lovingly & give rubs on the things head. Her voice entrances me, and watching her rub the creatures head I feel envy. I want affection the same as that, it's all I've ever wanted.

She looks around like it's her first time ever seeing such sights, it doesn't matter to me she seems happy to be here so I watch more. She speaks to the creature & rubs it all over with a small smile. I'm very envious at this point, I want the attention from her as well but I know I can't show myself yet.

She goes to the stream and watches the water, she then takes out things I've never seem before. But I pay that no mind and continue to observe her, her things disappear in thin air and I'm shocked! But I calm myself & realize this female is special, and I so want to be her male. How I hope she's unlike the rest.

She does a survey of the area & continues back to the stream. She catches a fish & seems so happy about it. I hear her shouting happy words, she goes off & collects things I'm assuming for a fire. I chuff softly again to not alert her I'm here, I'm sad she's having to do all this alone with no males by her side.

She turns fast in place arm raised with what I'm assuming is a weapon, she used it to get her fish earlier. "Oh! Little One!" She runs back to the creature & seems proud of it for catching a fish. Huh, I could catch all the fish in this stream just to make her smile at me. "Baby! How wonderful, your such a good girl. Collecting your own supper, I'm so proud of you! My little one." Hearing her praises for the creature only makes me more jealous of it. My tail swings hard back and forth as I watch her hug & rub the thing, she gives it a kiss on the nose & I know then I have a need for her attention.

She cooks her fish & eats it with a happy smile on her face. I want to catch fish for her too & make her smile. Will she accept me? Even though I'm like this? Could she find it in her heart to love me like she does that little creature? How I want it to be so.

Coming out of my thoughts I see her layed down with the creature on her stomach & her breathing evening out. I silently & carefully climb down and collect more wood for her, I know the night air gets chilly in these woods. I quietly bring it next to her fire on the opposite side of her, I'm afraid she'll wake up and see me & flee. Once that's done I can't help it any more..

I stroll over to her side, I lay quietly beside her in my lion form head just above her and take in her scent. *sniff* *purr* her scent is so comforting, I close my eyes with my head on my paws. A few minutes later I feel a tap on my nose, my eye cracks open & I see little teal eyes staring up at my golden orange ones. I don't move afraid this creature will wake the female & she will be afraid of me. But it doesn't do that it just leans forward rubs it's head on my cheek & curls back up. I don't know why but her creature accepting me makes me so happy, I chuff deep a few times because I just can't help it.

I stoke the fire all night, keeping guard while the female sleeps & head out to my tree branch before dawn. The embers are still warm when she stirs awake. She speaks to the creature about her attention & I can't help but want it from her too. She kisses its nose & speaks of the oddness of the fire being warm still. After being near her all this time I can't wait any longer.

I silently climb down and stalk around her so her back is to me, I see a stick on the ground and decide to step on it to alert her of my prense. *snap* She seems to have already felt something before hand but I just all but confirmed I'm here. She freezes her body going stiff, my heart with it.. I don't wish to scare her but my looks are known to scare the females so I must take the chance anyway. *growl* I growl at her softly too, just to show her I'm of no threat. She slowly turns around twards me after I've stopped just a few feet behind her. I can see she's scared already of what's here. I can only hope this turns out okay.

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