Chapter Fifteen

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[A/N: Apologies for the long wait! I've honestly just been in a personal slump with no motivation for just about anything. But today it just hit me, here it finally is, enjoy! :) ]

Yuno POV:

I wake up to the sound of birds and calm winds outside the bedroom window. Turning over to cuddle my big kitty, I find he's not here. Getting up in search of him I find him in the living room in his beastform laying infront of the main door with little one curled up by his side. Walking over I sit beside him and pat his head. *purr* His eyes open and he stares at me with sleepy eyes.

"Honey.. why don't you transform back and tell me why your asleep here instead of in our bed, with me." I ask him softly with a rub to the nose. He sits up and I see that all familiar orange glow. He sits there with rosy cheeks and big innocent eyes staring down at me. "Hm?.." I encourage an answer from him. "I was sleeping beside you, yuno. But.. then I felt my territory mark passed again and smelt the male from before close the the den. I was afraid he might do something to wake you in the middle of the night so I came here and guarded the front door, just in case.." He gives me the answer in a soft tone, afraid to upset me, it seems.

"Kai, baby.. and did he? Do anything to wake me?" I question also curious of what the male could be doing in the middle of the night, right outside our den. Kai shakes his head "He did nothing, made no loud noises. I did smell him right on the other side, but I'm sure he could smell me to." He explains. "Then shall we open the door together and see what he was up to, my mate?" I ask him with a small smile and grab his hand holding it gently. He nods and stands with me.

We open the door and what I find surprises me and doesn't all at the same time. With a smile I kneel down and inspect what we find "Well, look at this Kai. It seems I've been given a gift, how sweet." He kneels down beside me and searches what's here too. It's another deer like prey, but it isn't just a prey killed and plopped onto my porch.. no. He's gone an extra mile, there's no blood. The prey is already separated into pieces, hide skinned and folded neatly, meat chopped into neat squares and folded nicely in leaves to keep it good. Beside that is an open leaf with piles of.. Spices! Just what we need to, the plain meat with only salt was starting to kill me.

I look over at Kai to see his reaction. He's staring so seriously at the items on the porch, I almost want to laugh. "Kai? Darling? What do you think about this?" I ask and rub his shoulder to get him out of his thoughts. "Yuno.. do you understand what it means if you take these?" He questions me with a soft look on his face. "Why don't you tell me, Sweetie." I prompt him. "This is a courting gift, my mate. He's asking to court you, it seems he's to shy to do it personally. He must have left it last night when I thought he was being suspicious." He reply's to me with a thoughtful tone. "And your thoughts on him courting me? My darling? You will be head male and you know more of this way of life than me, so your opinion matters to me." I say with a small smile.

"The gifts seem prepared with much thought and care, yuno. More than some males will do, some would just leave the prey as is. I see no reason why he couldn't court you, in the end it will be your choice to accept or deny the male. Another thing, my mate.." He trails off looking twards the treeline in front of the den. I look that way too, catching a slight movement I squint my eyes and my vision zooms in on it. I can't see much but just behind a tree, I see a fluffy dark brown tail lightly swaying just barely in view.. smiling with a small giggle I avert my eyes back to Kai.

"Yes, sweet boy? What is it.." I ask him ignoring what I just saw previously. "I just wanted to tell you that beastmen can sense each other's power, the tattoos are more so the females can tell how powerful a male is. And that this male that wishes to court you is a stripe above me." He turns back to me with a smile probably able to tell that I know he's close by, listening, watching. "I see.. does this bother you?" I ask sweetly while rubbing the side of his head and fluffy ear. His tail swishes and wraps around my waist as he replys "No, yuno. More protection for you, and you've already accepted me as head male. I have no doubts about your decisions." He tells me with a cheesy grin and a *purr*.

"Okay.. let's take these inside then, my beautiful boy." I say with a big smile, grabbing the meat and hide I take it inside and put it in my storage for later. Kai comes inside with the spices not long after and I go ahead and add those into the storage as well. I didn't really wanna do it out in the open knowing I have eyes on me. "Shall we eat then go spend the day outside today?" I question him with a head nod in the males direction. Maybe we can lure him into showing his fluffy face. "Yes, yuno." He says back and that's exactly what we do, we have some thin slices of meat and boiled potatoes for breakfast and head outside.

I sit by our old fire pit, Kai and Little One following soon after. I decide to speak to Kai about our visitor and try to lure him into the open. "Kai.. honey." I say in a light tone. "Yes, my beautiful mate?" He questions back using my endearment right back at me. "Why do you think my potential mate is so shy to show himself to me?" I ask in a soft voice. Kai looks at me with misty eyes when he replys "Maybe he's like I was when I first found you.. scared to be rejected or turned away for how he looks, like I was. No female wanted a different colored lion, they turned their noses up at me in disgust or they ran away from fear of me.." He sounds so sad I just can't help but jump into his lap and hug him as close to me as I can.

"My mate.. you know now I'm not like them. I never found you ugly in fact I think your so cute and adorable and you don't scare me, you never did." I rub my cheek into his neck hoping to send his sadness away. He hugs me back and chuffs hard "Yes, my yuno. You've never treated me anything like them, your the best mate and female this world will ever see, you love me, show me affection, more than any other female would ever to any male in their family.".

I jump up with a giggle and grab his hands pulling him up and rushing to the stream where it's waste deep. I can hear his purrs from behind me "Shall we play a little today, darling?" I ask in a playful tone. I pull my top off and shrug my bottoms down leaving me in my bra and underwear, basically a swimsuit. I rush into the water and turn to see him shocked standing open mouthed on the bank, I can't help but laugh loudly at his dumbfounded face. I splash his way and give him a pout. "Come play with me, my mate!" I splash his way some more with a giggle.

He transforms into his lion and with a big roar he jumps into the water, causing me to end up soaked with the big splash. I laugh more and jump around him splashing him. Chasing around each other he roars and growls and I laugh and giggle. Little One sits on the bank cleaning her paws watching our fun with a twinkle in her teal eyes.

I get around to the back of him and jump on top of him causing us both to end up tumbling into the water with a laugh and chuffs of happiness. I sit up in the water and he lays down, I laugh as he licks the side of my neck. I pat his head and tell him "This is so much fun, we need to do this more, honey." With a giggle.

He purrs and rubs his head on the side of my shoulder but he goes a little stiff when he looks behind me. Oh yes, I forgot we had a shy observer.. Maybe we've enticed him out with our fun. I decide to chance a look over my shoulder while rubbing Kai's ears to calm him down.

Looking into the treeline I see the dark and light brown fur peeking from behind the tree, using my zoom vision I can see what I'm looking at better. I see a big rounded ear poking out as he tilts his head further out to see us better I can tell he's got a long neck with a dark brown almost black muzzle, eyes just as dark almost black as well.

He steps one more step to the side out from behind the tree and I see dark brown spots on his lighter brown fur. How.. How Cute! Oh my gosh.. okay yuno, stay calm. Don't scare the cute puppy away. You got this.. breathe.. I need this mohawk baby to come closer so I decide to speak to him now that I've calmed myself down.. just a little at the very least.

"Would you like to come play with us, cutie?.." I ask him in a soft tone.

Please.. please come play with me! I need to touch that mohawk!

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