Chapter Nine

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[A/N: What other Feline/Canine type mates should I add in the future? I have a few in mind but im trying for mate types I haven't really seen represented in these type of books yet. I'll probably stick to mainly feline/canine but might add in a few other carnivore types in the future.]

Yuno POV:

Waking up is hard this morning, the warmth and just plain content permeating the air makes me want to sleep forever. It makes me smile as I pry my eyes open, Blinking slowly. *purr* *purr* The soft vibrations have me tilting my head up to meet a soft blood orange gaze meeting my own blood red eyes. I don't say anything and neither does he. My hand reaches up caressing down his cheek *Chuff* the sound coming from his chest makes me giggle. How can someone be so.. adorable. My possessive side is making me want to mate him right here. Hmm.. maybe tonight. "Shall we get the day started, my sweet boy?" I ask in a quiet voice. "Okay, my yuno." He replys back.

The sun's just coming up and the creatures are just starting to stir. Kai heads out to cach a quick breakfast, I have many plans for today to get done. We eat a fast roasted fish and I tell him my plans for the day. "Okay, kai. I want to get started on making the den perfect for us and start on stocking up on items needed for daily living. How does that sound?" I ask him. He nods his head replying back to me "yes, just tell me what to do and I'll get it done for you, my mate." His tail swishing back and forth in anticipation. "I want you to search for some type of bedding, straw, moss, soft grasses, Anything will work. And if you come across some big prey kill it and bring everything but the insides, we can do plenty with most of the animal."

"And what will you do today while I'm away yuno? I don't wish to be away from you long, I'm your only male and to others were not even mated yet. They'll think your unmated, and might try to steal you away from me.." his ears droop as he explains his concerns to me. I pat his head with a gentle smile as I give him my reply "You said the females got all the say right? Even if someone does appear they can't have me, I'll be the one to decide if they're worthy to be mine.. And you have nothing to fear, my darling, you will be my first mate. No one can take me away from you, I won't allow it." His ear perk up and he beams a smile at me "Yes, my yuno. I understand."

"And my plans for today include, searching the nearby trees, treeline, and stream for any herbs, vegetables, plants and other things we could use. I need to bathe today too.." I give him my answer. Baby finishes her meal, kai caught her a fish as well. She seems to prefer the raw method of eating. She looks up at me and mews. "Yes, Little One. Let's get out there and get started." I give her a pat on the head before heading out first with her on my heels. I just expect kai to get started on his tasks for today too..

I start off searching the stream to see if I can find anything I want to take back to the den. I see some crawdad's crawling along the bottom of the stream. Well they're the size of lobsters, so that kinda answers my earlier questions on the size difference of animals here. I have a theory I need to test and this is the perfect time.. I snatch a crawdad up and hold it to the ground in front of me, pulling out my pocket knife stabbing it right between the eyes and slicing down the middle of its head. Killing it instantly. The system said I can't store 'living beings' in my storage. Let's see if I can store dead beings.. System Storage.

System Storage

The storage screen pops up with all my various stored items. I lift the dead crawdad up to the translucent screen.. Ha! It disappeared! It worked, this will make life so much easier. I smile at my victory and do a little dance with baby before collecting more of the big crustaceans. I collect about 10 before I move onto the big trees a little to the side of the cottage.

I look up at the giant tree and am still amazed at how big it is. Well I won't be able to search up there.. let's try under, where the roots protrude. I trek over and under the big tree roots until I'm right under the center of the tree, it's darker and more moist under here than outside. My eyes adjust and I see something that catches my eyes, it looks like a crystal. Water from the bottom of the tree drips right onto it and it solidifys to the crystal. How odd.. I go over and touch the rough crystal, bring it to my nose *inhale* Hmm.. I bring my fingers down to my lips and give a small lick. "Salty!" I cry out with a happy yell. Wow! Who knew salt comes from crystals made from tree juice underneath these roots! I stand and give the medium size crystal a kick, and it comes right off the ground. System Storage. I pick it up and put it into storage too.

Next I head out to the treeline a little out from the clearing and cottage. Baby still following and keeping watch from behind me. I'm already reeling from the finds I've made and can't wait to see what else this world will provide for me. It doesn't take long to find some shiitake looking mushrooms so I collect those with my knife added them to the storage and some wild carrots and potatoes as well. They look a little big and odd compared to earth's but I can't complain.

I head back to the stream intent on finally taking that bath I've been needing since arriving here. I'm almost to the stream when I hear it. *Growl* Turning on my heel I see kai in his big lion form carrying a big prey in his mouth with a makeshift sled carrying what looks like straw and mosses. He drops the sled by the front porch and brings the big prey over to me by the stream. It looks like some type of deer, the fur doesn't look as coarse though. Kai lays right at my feet, head tilting down for my praise. I smile "Good Boy.. This hide will be perfect for our bed, now it just needs tanned and processed." I tell him. He steps back and transforms "I'll get started on that for you, my mate." He says happily. I chuckle at his excitement.

I walk away a few paces to the more deeper side of the stream, probably only waist deep by the looks of it. I peek over at kai, he's sat behind the kill facing me but focused on getting the job I've assigned done. I wonder.. if I can distract him. *smirk* I turn my back to him and start with the long sleeve shirt taking it off with normal speed. I don't feel his eyes yet.. *chuckle* Ah.. there it is. I feel the heat on my bare back, I still have a sports bra on. I'll just give him a little show then. Leaning down just a bit I unbutton the stretchy jeans and slowly lower those too. Stepping out of them I can feel his gaze tracing my body. I wonder if this is his first time seeing a female body nude. Uh oh.. that pleases me way more than it should. Slipping the sports bra over my head and giving a little hair flip in the process.

*gasp* I hear him loose his breath, I don't dare look at him. This feels like a game I don't want to loose at, if this really is his first time seeing a female naked I don't want to make him shy and look away from me. So I ignore his stare. Next is the underwear, just normal underwear but I'm sure for him it's sexy. I slide those off stepping out as well. *thump* *thump* hm.. what's that? Ah. I bet it's his tail hitting the ground, cats do that when agitated. He must be dying to come over and touch me. But I know he won't without permission *smirk* so I keep on ignoring him. It's giving me a sick satisfaction.

Stepping into the water slowly because it is cold, after getting to the waist deep part I dunk under the water and stand back up. My hairs slicked back, water dripping down my face and body, sticking to my eyelashes. I guess I've made him wait long enough. I turn my body around so he can get a full look. I stare into his almost completely red eyes now, I can see his chest heaving with the need to breathe. His tail swishing and thumping the ground, his pupils blown wide at the sight of me as he slowly trails his gaze from my waist up to my chest. He licks his lips and swallows hard at the sight. He continues up my neck to my face meeting my eyes, his cheeks and neck burn red but he doesn't look away, he's waiting for permission. *smile*

"Do you wish to come in, my mate? Do you want to touch me?" I ask with a husky voice. Oh, I didn't know I could sound like that. "Yes, yuno, my mate, my female, please?" He all but begs me. I smile at him and decide to put him out of his misery "Very well, since you've been such a good boy, come in with me, my love." I gently wave him over to me. The endearment just flowing out of my mouth, naturally.

My love.. I like it.

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