Chapter Fourteen

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[A/N: Hi guys! Sorry for the late chapter once again, but here it is. >.< This is how I Imagine Yuno's mate mark on Kai's heart.]

Yuno's POV:

Me and Kai spent the next few days fixing up the cottage. We collected wood and large stone, carved what was needed for regular living. Small wooden coffee table, cushions to sit on the floor for meals made from moss, straw and hides from our recent meals. Cups, plates, spoons and forks, buckets, vases made of wood. A bigger bed mattress made of the same moss, straw, and hides for us and potential mates in the future, it takes up most of the large room. Stone cook wear like pots and a flat skillet like slab for cooking meat. I added wild flowers to the vases for a more lived in feel. *DING!*

《Quest Complete: Make A House A Home》
《Reward Choice of Three:》
《1. Special Skill
2. All Known
3. SSS

Hmm.. what to choose. 1 and 2 are repeat choices. But.. SSS sounds pretty OP. If I get repeat options I'll choose '3' this time around. *DING!*

《you now have superior strength, speed and sight》

*smirk* how useful.. I move outside to the front porch and take a look at the tree line where Kai's on his way back in beast form pulling our sled full of freshly cut firewood for our fireplace. I squint towards him and my vision zooms forward and I suddenly can see him like he's only a few feet away from me. He spots me and runs my way finishing his task faster.

He drops the sled by the porch and sits right in front of me with a *chuff*. His head leans down and he stares at me with expectant eyes, tail swishing behind him. "Good boy.." I tell him with a sweet smile and a head rub. "Let's get you washed up in the stream, okay sweetie?" I ask him already turning to walk that way. *meow* Little One trots right out following behind at a lazy pace.

As I'm walking with Little One right on my heels, I feel a big push along my side almost knocking me over as Kai gives me a head rub as he passes. He picks up speed jumping in the stream with a splash. Quickly cleaning off and jumping back out with a shake of his fur drying off.

I sit down by the stream and Little One comes to lay beside me, Kai not far behind. I open my storage and pull out two of those lobster size crawdads, Sitting one aside for my baby to snack on and giving Kai one as he lays behind me. He eats his instantly with a crunch while Little One takes a bit longer.

I relax by the stream in the sun just patting my darling and baby's heads. I start humming a random tune that's probably not a song "hm.. mhm.." I smile a bit at the relaxing atmosphere. "hmm.. mm.." Little One climbs into my lap after her meal to take a nap, Kai's dozing behind me as I pat their heads. Ha.. So cute.. My thoughts are interrupted by a randomly loud noise.

*hah-heh-heh* The loud noise also catches Kai's attention as well. *growl*
With a snarl on his lips he stands behind me staring off into the woods across the stream, I turn to look too. "Kai?.." I ask hoping to know whats happening, I stare in the direction Kai's looking hearing one last loud noise *HAH! HEH!* and with my better vision I see a mix of light and dark brown fur blur back behind the bushes. Huh..

Kai goes to make chase but I call him before he takes off across the stream. "Kai, stay." I say in a more stern voice than he's used to hearing from me. He whips his head around and transforms instantly coming to my side to kneel infront of me. "Yuno.." He looks like he's in trouble or something, tail swishing agitated behind him and ears flat on his head. "It's alright, darling. Just tell me what's going on will you?" I say grabbing his hand to hold to give him some reassurance.

"My territory mark was passed, I was so relaxed beside you I didn't notice until the male was already so close to you.. I'm sorry, my mate. I failed you." He says all sad giving me big cute teary kitty eyes. "No, you didn't fail me, sweetie. So that was another male? This is the first one in weeks I've seen other than you, how odd.. I wonder what brings him to this forest." I say getting up in Kai's lap to give him a hug and calm him down.

"Sadly, males probably won't come here unless they've come for a break or have given up hope of finding a female. This Hidden Forest has no tribes so there should be no other reason. But since he's caught your scent and seen your beautiful face I won't doubt that he will be back." He says sounding a bit sad for the males who have given up, probably because he has been through something similar.

"No need to worry over it, mate. As you've said males do everything to be accepted by a female so I doubt he'll cause us any trouble. We'll see how it goes when he decides to finally come over and show himself, I'm sure he has a reason for running away." I say rubbing his shoulders to get him to relax. "Yes, yuno. We'll do as you say. As head male I will support all your decisions." He says to me full of devotion making me smile at him.

"I have no objections to seeing what he want's and the option of potential mates for our future. When he turns up again don't attack or cause a fuss, let's just go at his pace. He seems more skittish than you were when we first met.." I trail off in thought. "Probably because of his beastform.. some males are undesirable to females. Like me with my fur color and him with his overall beastform." He says back to me with a dejected tone.

"No need to worry, we've already established I'm not like other females here. Haven't we? My lovely, Strong, Handsome mate." I praise trying to bring his mood back up. He smiles bigger than I've seen before with a *purr* he squeezes me tight and nuzzles into my neck. I smile and laugh when he does this, he's so cute.

"Let's go make dinner and prepare for the night, shall we?" I ask in a light voice. "Yes, let's, my mate." He smiles back. I hop off his lap and we three head back to the little cottage to make a meal and get ready to prepare for the night chill with a fire. Heading inside I can't help but think about this so called 'undesirable beastman' and how much is actually true. My beautiful mate is considered 'ugly' because of his fur color when in reality to me he's hot as hell.

I suppose I just have to wait for this shy male to come out, for me to find out. Sounds like more fun to me..

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