Chapter Eighteen

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Silas POV:

I can't believe this is happening. I'm in a females.. No, Yuno's arms, who actually cares, who looks at me in the eyes and makes sure I'm eating when she is. I didn't think it would actually happen. Her scent is so comforting, like home..

She pats my head while I finally calm down a bit, nuzzling into her neck some more I give another  whine I can't hold back. But she again doesn't say anything about it, I'm starting to believe what her male said. She isn't like them, at all.

I feel a strong hand grip the back of my neck and squeeze and all of a sudden I'm a puddle. Another high pitched whine escapes and is quicky quieted by a deep "Shh.. Its alright now. Your alright." Kai's voice.. Kai's hand. I can feel Yuno's small soft fingers splay overtop Kai's on the back of my neck just making the feeling even more relaxing. All my shaking and sniffling finally comes to an end.

"Its okay, baby." Yuno's voice reaches my ears as the hands slip away coaxing me to sit up from where I had squished her between me and Kai. I keep my eyes on my knees unsure of where to go from here. No ones ever paid attention to me, even when I won all those fights. Even when I was the one being cheered at for causing the other to bleed, never like this. It makes a small smile to show up on my face.

"How about you come a little closer, Silas." Kai softly says. I look up at them and see both with gentle smiles aimed at me. Butterflies erupt in my stomach at the sight, most males wouldn't be this comfortable with another male so close to their female. But Kai also doesn't seem like most males either, he seems to want to placate me. It oddly doesn't bother me, I think I'd rather him fret over me.. which is another odd thing because I'm a whole stripe stronger than him.

Yuno's leaned back into Kai's chest both watching me, both of their legs bent up and open with just enough room for me to kneel in the middle of. I scoot forward till their legs touch my sides and wait. "Good boy." Yuno praising me just sets off the butterflies again and a few suppressed happy laughs.

The strong hand returns to the spot where one would mark when they become mates, right in the joint of where the neck and shoulder meet. Causing shivers to roll down my spine and an almost unhearable whine stuck in my throat. "There is no reason to hold back your instincts with us, Silas. Were going to be a family and love you for you."

Looking into those blood orange eyes as he tells me this, causes my eyes to mist over and that nervous loud laughter to escape. Waiting to hear the insults or mocking afterwards is torture, until I realize none's coming. Soft small fingers pet my right ear and large strong fingers rub the left. I quietly say a "thank you.." and only get a "No need for that, baby. You only have to be yourself and we'll love you all the more for it." Yuno tells me with a big smile.

I can feel my tail waging back and forth behind me kicking up some dirt, but neither mentions it. The hands slip away again, pulling another whine from me. Kai laughs deep and chuffs at my response, I can feel my cheeks heating up at the sound.

"Kai.. how about I give him the surprise? What do you think, hun?" Yuno asks looking over her shoulder at Kai. He responds with a big purr and a smile "That's a great idea, Yuno. Maybe it'll give him more assurance that we're serious." The response he gives makes me all the more curious. She nods and turns to me pulling her hand out from where she'd hidden it behind his back. It's a red necklace matching the one that Kai's wearing. Just the thought of matching with him makes my tail lightly wag behind me again.

"This here is the collar I'm giving to all my mates who are going to be officially mine. I'll tell you the same thing I told Kai, once you put this on your mine. There is no backing out, for you or me, this is me making the promise that you will be my mate." She says seriously. The word coming out of her mouth only make me more excited, happy laughs falling out of my mouth, ears twitching in response to her just saying 'your mine. "Tell us you understand, Silas." Kai makes sure to make me affirm. "I understand." I make sure to say it strongly, earning me a head nod from him in return.

"Good." Kai says at the same time as Yuno states a firm "Then lean down here and I'll put it on for you, baby." Instantly I'm leaned down breathing the same air as her, I can count the lashes I'm so close. She slips the necklace around and clips I shut, satisfaction that this is actually happening rolls down my back.

Kai's shadow looms over me as I feel his hand firmly rub down the back of my head through my hair. "How about we go hunt for our dinner while Yuno heads inside the den to get our sleeping arrangement sorted out?" He asks me. I almost expect her to get mad and punish him for telling her what to do but all she does is smile gently, kiss his cheek and say "What a lovely idea, spend some time together boys, get to know each other. We're gonna be family for the rest of our lives." Happy laughs escape my mouth and she giggles a little leaning forward, giving my cheek a kiss too before she stands and heads to the den with the little creature heading right behind her.

Looking over from Yuno's retreating back to Kai, I see he's already watching me with intense bloody eyes. When I meet his eyes he tilts his head back, smirks at me and chuffs hard before standing. Turning his back to me and starting to walk into the woods he turns his head a little in my direction without looking directly at me he asks "Coming baby?" with that voice and I'm stunned, he just used Yuno's pet name for me.. I can't breathe.

All I can think of to say is "Yes Kai." and stumble up into a jog after him to catch up.

I didn't know it was possible.
What is this beast doing to me?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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