Chapter Seven

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[A/N: I like this style of choker/collar, I feel like it fits the "primitive" setting. The males don't wear shirts so it's an eyedrawing accessory. Just imagine it a bright blood red color, much like yuno's eyes.]

Yuno POV:

After finishing my meal I had a little time to think things over. It's about mid day so I have some time to make my plans for the future. Kai's finishing up his meal as I sit here enjoying the warmth of the fire petting baby's head. I almost caved and jumped him just a few moments ago.. I don't think it'll be long before he's mine fully, I can't help it. He's just so cute, it's like he's trying to tempt my inner demon.

Okay so as far as plans, I think I'm gonna set up temporary shelter here In this spot. And begin gathering items I need for survival, while building some shelter. I'll ask kai more questions about this world as I progress. I'll also work on improving our relationship. I have a feeling I don't really need to do much though.. Glancing over at him sat beside me finishing up his meal, I can see his tail lightly swishing with his happiness.

I turn in my spot facing him as he licks his fingers clean. "Kai, honey.." I adress him to gain his full attention. He does so immediately, turning in his spot and staring at me with those beautiful blood orange eyes. They seem to sparkle at my newest pet name. "Yes?" He asks giving me with a few slow blinks waiting for my response. "I have a gift for you.." I start off and his ears perk at the sound of the word gift and his tail gets to moving hard back and forth before I can even finish my sentence. "It comes with some intentions I have though.. if you accept it." I emphasize to him.

He smiles at me and tilts his head to the side waiting for me to elaborate. "What I want to give you is kind of like a courting gift if you will.. it means I plan to mate with you and no one else can have you. It means basically that your mine and you will obey me." I finish off my explanation giving him a serious look, keeping eye contact throughout. I can see his whole body twitch and turn red at my implications. System storage. *DING!*

System Storage
metal water bottle, tampons, pads, chapstick, granola bars, workout clothes, red leather collar

I put my hand behind my back and think of the collar while keeping eye contact waiting for his response to my declaration. His mouth hangs open a little and he seems to have frozen in his spot. "Kai, sweetie.. your answer?" I ask him snapping him out of his daze. He smiles big but it falls soon after.

"But.. yuno, why me? All the females I've met before are disgusted or scared of me. Why would you want me to be your mate?" He asks sounding a little sad at the thought of me not liking him. I need to fix this issue right now, before it causes him a real problem. I stand up to my knees, baby slipping off in the process and grab both of his cheeks making him look me dead in the eyes as I speak. "Oh.. sweet boy, I could never see you that way. I find you quite cute and sweet, and you certainly don't scare me. I may have been surprised before and slightly startled but that was before I knew of beastmen. Your such a good boy, how could I not like you." I say sincerely caressing down his right cheek, my thumb lightly rubbing across his scar in the process.

I see tears start to build in his eyes and I can't take it anymore. I jump on top of him wrapping my arms around his neck, straddling him as I sit in his lap hugging him. *purr* I manifest the collar behind his back and lean back in his lap showing him the top quality leather collar. "Will you accept it, sweetie?" I ask looking up at him and wipe some of his tears that escaped. *chuff* "of course, yuno.. my female, my mate." He whispers the last part as if trying it out, it makes me smile. He lightly touches the collar with a smile of his own.

I feel his tail wrap around my waist as I lean close to his chest, trying to get a better reach around his neck. I wrap the bright red collar around his neck and snap it into place. The sound causing shivers to rise up my spine. He's mine now.. I won't allow others to have him. I can't help but voice as much to him. Leaning back and up just enough, I turn my face to his fluffy ear while reaching up and rubbing the opposite one. I whisper "your mine now, sweet boy. No one else can have you now that you wear this, you understand?" The last sentence coming out a bit more gruff, surprising even me that I could sound this way. Possessive much, yuno? Yes. Yes I am.

*chuff* he chuffs hard and replys back to me while turning his head into my hand, encouraging my rubbing to intensity. "Yours yuno.. only yours." *purr* he purrs back to me. "Hmm.. how happy that makes me, my mate." I say back as I sit back on his lap looking at his face. He blushes once again and I see his ears just twitching away at me calling him my mate. It makes me chuckle at how adorable he is. I take a good look at him again and decide to voice my curiosity to him about something.

I move my left hand to his cheek right on top of the orange triangle tattoo and my right down to his upper peck to one of the others. "And these? Honey, what do these mean?" I ask with a curious gaze as I feel up his triangle markings. *purr* He doesn't question my knowledge and just answers my question, pleasing me greatly. "These are my stripes, my yuno.. it shows how strong I am to other beastmen. Most don't even have one stripe so four is a feat not many get to at such a young age." He says beaming back at me as I rub his marks. "I see, so my boy is strong.. how pleasing." I smirk back to him and he rubs himself all over me in response, getting as close as he can. I just allow him this, he just seems so happy. *DING!*

SUB Aquired- Kai
Hidden Reward- Small Shed》

I smirk as I see the hidden reward screen in front me, it seems survival might be way easier than I was expecting. If I get rewards like this just for this much I can't image what my future entails. I can't wait to see what's in store for me.

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