Chapter Ten

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[A/N: Apologies for the wait everyone! I've just started a new job, Mon-Fri so I've been busy preparing for that & training these past few days. I may have to update only on weekends now with how busy & tired I'll be, if I get the chance I will update as much as I can though. ❤️]

Kai POV:

Coming back from the hunt and gathering our bedding, I can't be any happier. Yuno intends to mate with me, she called me hers. I haven't thought of anything else since, but her, only her. I wish I could be her only mate, but I know that's not the safest for her and I'm not that selfish to try and control my mates choices like some of the males do to their females, even if that usually ends with them out of favor in the family.

I squat down getting started on cutting the skin off my kill, I'm focused on getting this done right to please yuno. *chuckles* I look up at the sound of her laugh. I see skin, the beautiful snow white bare skin of my female. She continues taking off her coverings and I can't help but stare at her, its getting hard to breathe. The last of her top covering comes off *gasp*. Then the last of her bottom coverings come off as well *thump* *thump* my tail hits the ground hard, I can't move. She's so beautiful.. I want to touch her but I can't. I won't move till she tells me to.

She dips under the water coming out with her head tilted up, the water running off her body. My pupils blow wide at the sight of her. No. Must be good. Be a good boy, kai.. She turns around finally giving me the front view of her smooth skin. Breathe. Stay still.. Don't move. I start at the waist, moving my eyes up the slim midriff, to the chest. I can't help but lick my lips at the sight. *swallow* swallowing hard I move up to her neck. I want to mark it up. I shake the thought before it gets me into trouble. I meet her eyes.

My face heats at meeting her stare. She can be so sweet to me. But in this moment she has a glint in her eye that makes me intimidated. I don't look away, I feel the heat spread to my neck. I want, no need permission, I can't take it.. "Do you wish to come in, my mate? Do you want to touch me?" She asks me with this dark voice that sends shivers down my tail. "Yes, yuno, my mate, my female, please?" I all but beg her. I will beg if it means I get to be close to her, touch her. She smiles at me, making me internally sigh in relief. "Very well, since you've been such a good boy, come in with me, my love." She gently waves me to her. Yes! I knew being good would bring me rewards. Good boy.. My love.. love.. The word repeats in my head as I nod to yuno, standing up and moving twards her in the water.

I step in and walk down to her, I keep my loin covering on, I don't wish to do anything that will make yuno stop. I get to right in front of her and just stare down at her, as she looks up at me. "Your beautiful, my mate." I tell her in a soft tone. I'm sure I'm still blushing but I can't not in this situation. She smiles at me "As are you, my love." She caresses the side of my face, I lean into it. I feel my hand twitch, wanting to touch her too but not wanting to move without her saying it's okay first. She meets my eyes and asks "Do you want to touch me now?" I nod, unable to make words come out.

She grabs my right hand and holds it to her cheek, she runs it slowly down her face to her neck. My fingers twitch. This will be the spot I mark.. I shake the thought away again as she moves it down further, my tail swishes in the water and my ears perk up as she moves my hand over the hill of the side of her breast. *purr* She drops her hand from mine, taking a step closer putting her hand on my shoulder. I continue my exploration as I feel her start to rub slowly up and down my arm in encouragement. Putting my left hand on her hip for stability, I continue gently down her side to her other hip with my right hand. I use my fingers to caress across her stomach. *chuff* Our cubs will grow here.. The thought makes me smile showing off my canines, she notices.

*giggle* "What are you thinking about, my love?" She asks me as I hold her back for support with my hand, halting my explorations. *chuff* "Our future, our cubs, if you choose to give me some, my mate." I reply back with a chuff. "You'll be my first mate, of course I want your cubs someday, my sweet boy." She leans up putting her right hand under my jaw and against my neck causing my tail hair to puff out. She pushes her soft lips to mine, it stuns me because it feels so good. I don't know what this is but I want more of it.

She must notice my dumbstruck appearance. "My love? What's wrong?" She asks me concern evident in her voice, she runs her hands up and over my shoulders trying to give comfort. "My yuno, what was that just now?" I ask in confusion. "Its called a kiss, sweetie. Do your females here not give them to their males?" She asks me confused as well now. "No, my mate. Females don't often give anything to their mates." I reply wrapping my tail around her waist. She seems surprised at this information, then a little sad. I rub her hip trying to give a little comfort. "I see.. females must be even more selfish here than I originally thought." She starts off sitting her hand on my tail tuft rubbing the fur with her fingertips. *purr* "But don't worry, my sweet boy. I'll give you and my future mates more attention and love than any female has ever given a male." She smiles so bright at her statement. "I believe you, my mate." I smile back at her.

"Yuno?" I ask her. "Yes, sweetie?" She replys back with a small smile. "Can we kiss again?" I ask a little shyly. *purr* She stands on her toes and gives my cheek a kiss, then the other, then my chin, nose, and finally she leans into my lips. I try and kiss back following her lead. *purrr* She pulls away slowly with her eyes closed *sigh* "How about you help me bathe and I'll help you, then we can continue to explore each other inside our den, how does that sound, my love?" She asks me opening her beautiful blood red eyes gazing up at me. "Yes, anything you wish, my yuno." I instantly reply. She lifts both arms to my fluffy ears and rubs them replying "Good Boy." In that dark voice again. *chuff*

Good Boy. My love.. Good Boy.
Yes, I want to always be yuno's good boy.

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