Chapter Two

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[A/N: Now that Yuno has moved World's I'll be switching the POV to her view of things. Photo above is where Yuno first arrives.]

Yuno POV:

It's wet.. and rough.. something is scratching across my cheek. I pry my eyes open & am blinded by light, I squeeze them shut right away. I feel a vibration coming from the side of my face, I turn my head slowly to see what it could be.. my eyes widen at what I find, tears pool & fill my vision. "Ah.. My baby, Little One." My baby girl is here, I can't believe it was true. I move my hand and pet her on the head, she purrs her happiness at me. "I'm happy you could join me, my baby." I smiled at her. She gives my hand a head hit/rub in agreement.

Sitting up from my place on the mossy ground, I look around. It's amazing.. the view is unlike anything I've seen before, gigantic trees, with big roots & rocks jutting out of the ground, moss every where, the tempature isn't to hot or cold or humid. It's like my dreams come true.. I look down at my little one, she's crawled in my lap rolling around on her back. "You must be as happy as me, my little one" I rub her belly while looking around again. I see a stream off a little ways and remember my looks have changed! I scoop my baby up and sprint over to the water, it's so clear.

The woman staring at me is exactly the avatar I chose earlier. I can't believe it wasn't a dream.. I still can't. I lift my hand up and touch my cheek, it's soft.. real.. wow. The water is running in a continuous flow so I sit baby down beside me & scoop up a handful and start drinking, Little One does the same. After drinking my fill I feel a weight on my shoulder and look down, my bag! I lay it down beside me and sit beside the stream pulling out my essentials to see what I got. Metal water bottle, Pocket knife, A pile of Tampons & Pads, A Small tube of chapstick, A few granola bars, & a set of workout clothes. Hmm.. I can work with this. DING!

《Moving World's Complete》
《DOM System Active》

"DOM System?" Hm.. sounds.. kinky. Not the time Yuno. I'll think about that another time, I need to focus on survival first. Lets see what the system screen has to offer this time.

Storage Aquired
you can store whatever you wish in the storage - living beings not allowed

Ah! Perfect, I'll put everything but my bag & pocket knife inside for now. I'm afraid I don't know what roams these woods so it would be best I carry little one in the bag as I explore. I scoop her up and gently sit her inside the shoulder bag, she doesn't jump out just pops her head out so she can keep a lookout as well. I hold the knife in my hand and walk around surveying my area, I don't go far from where I 'spawned' at. I'm to nervous to go to far at the moment.

I walk back to the stream after my inspection & sit the bag with baby down again, squatting beside both watching the water. I see what I'm looking for & lunge with the knife, I pull back out of the water and hold my hand up to inspect my prey. "Look here little one, we've got supper! Fish!" I shout happily to my baby, she's watching for prey as well in the water. I leave her be & go not far away to gut the fish & get ready to start a fire to roast the yummy food. Unaware of the predatory eyes that have been on her all this time since waking in this world.

I hear a splash behind me & turn real fast with my knife held high, ready to attack. "Oh! Little One!" I dash over to her by the stream, she's pulling her own dinner out & looking up at me with her big teal eyes, tail swishing back & forth waiting for praise. I sit criss cross beside her and pull her up to my chest. "Baby! How wonderful, your such a good girl. Collecting your own supper, I'm so proud of you! My little one." I lay on the praise & pets to my baby. I want her to be happy here with me in our new life.

I kiss her on the nose and sit her down beside her catch so she can eat, while I head back and start my fire. I took a few courses in survival back on earth just for the hell of it, I thought of escaping modern life on more than one occasion. I light the fire via the hand drill method, & stick my fish above the fire letting it roast. I have no seasonings but at the moment I don't even care, I'm just ready to eat something after such a stressful day.

While waiting my baby finished her meal & came over to lay in my lap. I pet her from head to tail just looking around at the beautiful forest & listen to the birds & crickets. It's becoming darker out but I'm not scared, I feel safe for some odd reason. I check the fish & see it's done, I pull it off and eat around the bones till it's all gone & I'm stuffed. It was a pretty large fish compared to earth's. I'll need to look into that. I decide to take a nap, so I lay facing the canopy above by the fire with baby layed on my stomach asleep & purring from the heat. My eyes start to droop & before I know it I'm in a deep sleep, breathing evening out.

I awake to the sun on my face & no chill in my bones. I sit up and stretch with my little one in my lap still. "My baby, you just love my attention huh?" I ask her with a head rub & kiss to the nose. She rubs her head against my cheek in agreement. I look around & notice the fire isn't dead, the embers are still putting off warmth. "Huh. That's weird, I figured the fire would be out by the time I awoke." My thoughts seem to just come out of my mouth & after they do I feel something odd. A presence I didn't before. I look all around trying to find it.

*snap* A twig behind me snapping makes me freeze in body & thoughts.
*growl* The soft growl from behind has me turning very slowly in my sitting position. What I see almost makes me pass out, if I wasn't already sitting I'd be on my ass.

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