Chapter Thirteen

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[A/N: Sorry for the later update, as of right now (1/19/23) I'm trying to stick to a once a week schedule. But I will be posting on my own time when I'm most motivated, I want to give the best I can and some days I'm just not up to it & I don't want to put a half ass chapter up. Thank you for your understanding & support! 💖 Can you guess what beast he is?]

Unknown POV:

*sigh* Fighting.. All I can ever remember doing is fighting.

I've fought since the moment I was born and abandoned up until now. I don't remember having parents or anyone taking care of me, by the time I became old enough to be aware I was hunting my own prey in my beastform. And by the time I matured at 16 I decided to put myself into the 'beast circles'.

A somewhat common occurrence to do for young single males. When just matured most males don't get much female interest because they don't have much power when reaching maturity. I had some power going in but that's because I've fought from the beggining since young.

I'm so tired of trying to attract a mate from the circles, I've been doing it so long and having no results. My beastform isn't one females usually like to mate with.. it's been proven by how long I've been here traveling city to city fighting in the circles, the oldest to stay in the circles. I'm 30 and haven't had one female even look interested in being my mate despite my strength, I'm a five stripe beastman. I thought by now at least one would want me for protection at the least, but no my beast is to much for them.

I've decided I'm done with the fighting circle life, I've headed out to one of the most secluded places most beastmen don't settle, I need a break or maybe I'll just give up completely. It's been so long I'm starting to believe I won't find a mate in my lifetime. I've traveled from the closest beast city to the forest and after a few days and I'm so hungry.. *sniff* *heh-hah-hah* mm.. I smell prey.

I stalk through the woods slowly, hunched over, nose to the ground following the prey's scent. Ear's on a swivel listening for the prey's movements. *snap* I freeze on the spot looking ahead I see the prey, large boar. Slowly, I step forward stalking the boar step by step. I lunge forward and give chase but I'm faster and stronger than this prey is, jaws snapping I grab onto the boars neck and shake. *growl* Blood splatters all over the ground and into the fur on my muzzle from the power of my bite and shake technique.

I use my powerful upper body to shake and chew at the boars neck till it stops moving. Blood puddles underneath as I step back and observe my kill. With a happy noise coming from deep in my throat I celebrate my prize, *hah!-hah-heh!*. I dig straight into the meat, days of travel has me starved.
I eat and bite and chew and shake as I chow down, mhm.. so good..

After finishing my meal, I continue on to find a stream to satisfy my thirst after such a big meal. Finding one a few miles from my kill I start drinking, I hear it before I smell it.. "hmm.. mm.." a sweet sound coming from close by. *sniff* Ah.. female so far out? *HA-* the sound slips out but I muffled it in my throat before it got out all the way, it might scare the female off or alert her male I'm nearby, I can smell him on her too.

I sneak closer down the stream following the scent, I can tell this territory is marked by her mate just from the scent alone. But my curiosity at finding a female in the middle of the hidden forest has me snagged as I pass the territory line marked. Covered by foliage and large trees, I sneak behind one of the larger trees when the scent is strongest and I take a slight peek around trying to subtly see the female without being seen myself.

Frozen from the sight in front of me I can't move an inch. Female.. Beautiful female. Long white hair, pale skin, skin tight furs, perfect body, eyes as red as my last meals blood, she's my ideal mate choice. Well, she'd be any males ideal choice. She hasn't spotted me but after a good look I can see what has her attention. She's sitting beside the stream on the other side, eyes focused on some little white creature I've never seen before in her lap patting it's head with one hand. Pats.. just thinking about it has the sounds coming out before I can hold it back. *hah-heh-heh*

*growl* after that sound a black mass stands from behind her and I can now see what had her other hands attention. A large black lion stands behind her glaring with blood orange eyes, snarling in my general area. "Kai?.." the soft voice brings my attention back to the female. She's looking in my direction as well, it makes me nervous so with one last uncontrollable sound *HAH! HEH!* I bolt. I take back off in the opposite way from her territory hoping her lone male won't try to give chase and fight me. I don't want to hurt her only male, if I even have a chance at being her mate I won't take uncalled for actions.

I don't go to far away from her territory, I run a few miles and find a cave to hide out in till I can work up my confidence to approach the female. This might be my only chance at ever having a mate, I can't mess it up. I'm worried about her not accepting me, just like all the others, because of my beast form, most females find us annoying and gross but.. that was the first dark colored lion I've ever seen and he was her first mate. Maybe.. maybe she can look past my oddities and accept me too. Only time can tell but.. she's so pretty and only has one male, I don't know how long I can hold back from going to catch another glimpse of her.

Beautiful female..

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