Chapter Eleven [M]

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[A/N: Hello everyone! I'm feeling better after having covid & getting through the Christmas holiday plans, I had lots to get, & make for my family. I hope everyone had a good Christmas. Thanks for all your patience & support so far. :) Photo for Inspo.]

Yuno POV:

Hmm.. It's seems my new mate really likes when I call him a good boy. I'll note to use this type of praise for him more often. I take a step back and get a good look at him, he's still blushing & purring from our kiss. I'm still so shocked to know they don't kiss here. I can't even imagine anything is enjoyable for anyone if they don't even kiss. *chuff* I look up pulled out of my thoughts again by his adorable noise. He's just looking at me like I've given him the world.. and maybe I have.

"Let's wash now, darling." I tell him with a smile. I have no soap to thoroughly get clean so for now I'll just rub down real good with some water. I take a dip of water cupped in my hands and begin rubbing kai down, *purr* "Yes, yuno." He reply's shyly copying my movements washing me down aswell. I feel his hands linger in places I knew they would, but I don't complain or stop him. I'm enjoying getting to know his muscles too.

I step back when I'm finished and wait for him to get done too. He steps back with a small smile, I assume he's happy being able to tend to me. Males seem to take great pride in taking care of their females, I'll be sure to give mine ample opportunities to do so with me, I want to make them all happy. *smirk*

I lean forward grabbing kai's hand and ask him in a sickly sweet voice. "Are you ready, sweetie? To be mine and I yours?" His cheeks heat and he nods his head eagerly. "Yes. Yuno, please?" He reply's desperately wanting to. "Come along then, love." I lead him up out of the stream and past the half skinned prey he caught for us. I squint my eyes at it in passing and think to myself. System Store Item. *DING!* I hear the all to familiar Ding & see the red screen out of the corner of my eye. With a small smile at the new discovery, I ignore it and continue on my mission. Mating my sweet adorable lion.

Getting to the porch I do the same with the straw and moss as we pass by that too. Closing the front door behind us I ask Kai "How about you start the fire to keep us warm while I go prepare our bedding?" I let go of his hand and continue to the main bedroom knowing he'll do any task I ask of him. Getting inside I go to the middle of the room and pull out the straw first from system storage with my mind, I just thought it and it happened. So much more convenient than having to touch the screen everytime. Moving the straw in a very large circle I then pull the mosses with a thought but this time I think a little more on where exactly I want them. What a suprise! It worked! This is such a game changer. *smirk*

I hear his steps coming down the hall before I see him, I turn around and wait just standing by the bed I've made. He walks in through the doorway and smiles shyly, taking tentative steps twards me. I hold my hand out in invitation. "Is little one in the den darling?" I ask in concern before I get distracted. "Yes, yuno. She's laying by the fire. I think she knows not to disturb us tonight." He replys with a little smile. "Good, come in, love. I don't bite.." I smirk up at him and he grabs my hand, I pull him close leaning up to kiss him. Lips brushing I finish with "to hard.." crushing my lips on his.

*purr* He purrs immediately at the contact, I run my right hand up his big arm to his shoulder and my left down to his waist. I'm naked but he still has his loin cloth on. I slide my hand over the string, still kissing him I open my mouth and gently bite his lower lip. *gasp* His mouth opens and I push my tongue in fighting his in a small battle. I win, of course. Even if he doesn't know what he's doing he's damn good at it.

I pull the string, his cloth hitting the ground. I pull away causing a little lion like wimper to come from him. "Shh, it's alright, love. Come lay down." I encourage him with a small pull of the arm and push of the shoulder. He lays down on his back in our makeshift bed staring up at me with those rosy cheeks and blown pupils. I step over his waist sitting right above where I'm sure he so desperately wants me. My butt hits his dick causing a twitch and I feel him rapidly getting hard in anticipation. His tail swishing to brush along my back in a sweet caress of it's own. Leaning over him with a hand on his cheek I ask him one last time. "Mate.. this is what you want? forever? Once done, I won't allow you to leave me."

Looking into his eyes I see him give me the softest expression any ever has and I know. He's gonna be mine. Forever. I won't allow others to touch him. "Yuno.. Make me yours, please. I want nothing more, my mate. Please." He begs me. I stay quiet but lean down and kiss him gently. I've thought about it and I want his first time with me to be sweet.. I'd like to ravish him and be wild but this one time, it needs to be special. I lift my hips as I continue to kiss him sweetly, his lips, his jaw, his neck, his collar bone, and back up. I lower myself onto him when I connect our lips again. I slowly get myself all the way down, I take a breath pulling away and looking into his eyes.

"Your mine now, mate." With that I start moving my hips, up and down, up and down. All while kissing him, everywhere I can. "Yuno.." I hear him say my name over and over. He finally get's moving himself chasing the pleasure. "Yuno.." this call sounds more like a plea. Still chasing our high I lean forward to whisper in his ear and ask him "Yes, sweetie? What do you need? Tell me." Basically demand it. "Yuno, bite.." He begs "mark please, allow me to, mate." Breathless and tight sounding I know he's close and so am I, how can I not be when I'm riding on top of the most sexy man I've ever seen, and he's mine now. Now that's a high. I lean down and tilt my neck near his mouth. "Go on, love. Bite me." I say deep and dark, my kinks showing through.

He leans up as I continue on riding him chasing the high I feel oh so close. I feel his hot breath on my neck. Feel the points of his canine teeth barely touching my skin, feel the drool driping from his mouth to my shoulder. He's waiting. And then I feel it, sharp pain as he bites down. "Ah.. kai" I call his name as I orgasm. "Yuno.." I hear Kai's sweet call of my name as I feel him twitch inside finishing himself right behind me.

I smile as he pulls back and licks up the wound. I pet his head in praise. "Good boy.. you did so good. I'm so proud your my mate, darling." He pulls back searching my body right away, when he zeros in on what he's looking for his eyes tear up and he reaches his hand up gently touching the left side beside my heart. I glance down at it, A dark black lion head facing twards my heart in a mighty roar. "You love me.." I smile and lean up kissing his cheek. "Yes, Kai. How can I not when your such an attentive mate." He hugs me tight burying his face into his mark on my chest and silently cries as I rub his back in comfort. *DING!*

《Quest Complete: DOM & Mate Kai》
《Rewards: Choice of Three》
《1. Special Skill
2. Mate Bite
3. All Known》

Hmm.. considering this was a "Mate" quest I'll choose option Two. *DING!*

《you can now claim your mates as your own officially with "Mate Bite"

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