Chapter Eight

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[A/N: Here's an 'idea' of how I see kai's human form. Personally I invision him more muscular & rough looking in terms of body & face shape & a bit darker skin. But other than that this is what I picture. Feel free to picture him how you like! I spent some time editing/drawing over this avatar I made online, It's not perfect but I'm pretty happy with it. :) ]

Yuno POV:

After kai calms down he sits back and looks down into my eyes just smiling at me. It seems he can hold eye contact longer now that I've assured him that we will be mates. It makes me smile right back at him. "Now, my mate. Since it's only the middle of the day how about we get started on a permanent place to live here for us, how does that sound?" I ask him as I slowly stand up from his lap.

He beams back at me as he stands up too "Yes! Yuno, that sounds great. Could I go mark us this territory first? I don't want other beastmen thinking you're alone here." Hm.. I don't think I wanna know what he means by 'mark territory' but I have a good idea. "Yes, Honey. You go ahead and do that and I'll set us up a little house, when you get back don't question it okay?" I ask him with a smirk. "House? What's that, my mate?" He questions with a head tilt. "Your place of living, where you sleep, and spend most of your time, what do you call that here sweetie?" I ask him I'd like to use their terms here, rather than earth terms. I don't want anyone thinking I'm odd.. well that I might not be able to avoid. I'm sure my mannerisms are way different than theirs. "Oh! A den.. Okay, yuno I won't question you on it." He says back.

He transforms into his big lion form and bounds off to 'mark our territory'. While I head to the middle of the clearing beside the big tree & in front of the stream, facing the woods. I'd rather have the front door facing the woods, better to face danger. System Storage. *DING!*

System Storage》
《metal water bottle, tampons, pads, chapstick, granola bars, workout clothes, small shed

I think of 'small shed' & it shows up in front of me like a blueprint in a game. I can see the small house like it's there but it's translucent. I see some buttons on a small red see through screen in front of me, rotate left, right & up, down, and a red check to the right side. I guess I click that when I get the blueprint how I like it. I lower the house and rotate the front door twards the woods facing away from the stream. Once it's perfectly aligned with the ground I click the check mark. *DING!*

Small Shed Placed
Quest- Make A House A Home- Reward: Hidden

Yes! It worked, it's really not that small though. It's more of a medium sized cottage. But then again if family's are so big here, it might be considered small. It's made out of wood and already has moss growing on the walls and a chimney, looks to have glass windows as well. I wonder if this is advanced compared to their builds. I'll have to see kai's reaction to really tell. And this quest 'Make A House A Home', I wonder what I need to do.. I guess I'll just do what I want till it completes on its own.

I walk around the house and check it out as I go to head inside, it's a cute, cozy little wood cottage. The moss is perfect for this environment, it will protect the wood. The rooftops made of some type of straw thatch on top but I'm sure underneath is something more sturdy. I get to the the front, it's got a cute little front porch with an overhead covering. The front doors made of a sturdy wood, with a small glass window in the middle top area. It's a perfect little place for now.

Right before I open the front door I hear a growl from behind me. *growl* I turn around and kais stood there with his mouth wide open. It makes me chuckle at him. "No questions about how, remember sweetie?" I ask him calmly. He transforms and sputters "Y-yes, yuno. I remember, but our den is beautiful." He says with a big smile. "I haven't looked inside yet, my mate. Shall we check it out together then?" I ask him with a small smirk. "Yes!" He basically runs over to my side.

I open the front door and we head inside, Little One going in before me or kai can even get a step inside. My baby must be excited too.. I walk further in and am very happy at what I see. It's open concept for the living room and kitchen, I see the fireplace to the right side In the middle of the wall, it's made of stone embedded into the wall. And the kitchen cabinets and sink area to the left side in the corner, with a small island. Beside the fire place is the hallway that goes into the rooms, three rooms, one really big one. "This will be our bedroom or sleeping room" I say aloud so kai can hear. There's two more rooms but smaller in size. Probably for a bathroom and small room, or at least that's what I'll use it for.

I head back to the main room and wait for kai and baby to get done exploring. He comes back in from the small rooms, looking pretty happy. "How is it, my darling?" I ask him while he still admires the den. "Its perfect, yuno. This is an amazing den!" He says with a tail that won't stop moving back and forth.

Little One comes back in with happy mews coming from her. It makes me happy my family loves the den. "I'm happy you love it, my mate." I smile at him. "Shall we get ready for tonight, sweetie?" I ask "Yes yuno. I'll collect some firewood so we stay warm tonight." He replys back to me before bounding out of the den in excitement. I smile at his enthusiasm and go collect my bag by the stream along with getting the cooled coals we've already burned to help aid the fire for tonight. I set the bag on the island and move to sit the coals in the fireplace.

Kai comes back in with the firewood and sits it on the stone beside the fireplace. I walk over to him and he turns to me with big kitty eyes, he lowers his head twards me. I see this will already be a habit of his.. I reach up and pet him on the head giving him the praise he's waiting on. "Good boy.." *chuff* *purr* I chuckle at his obvious happiness. His tail swings around and wraps around my waist. "Well have to rough it tonight, but tomorrow we'll head out and search for some bedding, how does that sound darling?" I ask softly while caressing his tail on my midsection. *purr* "Yes, yuno. As you wish." He replys with a purr. His ears trembling at my tail pets.

"I'm full from the rabbit we had at lunch, how about you?" I ask him. "I had a snack while marking the territory." He says back while moving his tail around slipping it under my shirt. "Okay, how about we get a steady fire going and head to bed early?" I ask while stepping twards the fire, his tail falling back down. "Okay!" He rushed over and gets the fire going, very fast I might add. Hmm.. he must be keen on my praise and attention. How adorable, he is.

I step up beside his squatted figure and give him a good head and ear rub. "Come along." I tell him as I walk to the big bedroom and sit down in the middle. He comes padding in not long after, stopping in the doorway as little one comes straight in and lays beside me. "Come lay down beside me, sweetie." I motion him over. He smiles and comes over to lay beside me, he's all stiff. Cute.. I lay back and scoot closer to him wrapping my arm around his chest and feel him relax as his tail curls around me again. My eyes start to droop closed with a smile on my face.

Yes. This is what I wanted, a laid back, live as I want kinda life. It also helps that I can have a hunk like this, who basically worships me at my side.
And however many more I wish as well.. *smirk* "heh."

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