Chapter Twelve

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[A/N: 🥰 The use of "Mate" is alot in this chapter, but I'm well aware of it. It is intended that way and I'm sorry if it seems repetitive but it's really special. They're newly mated & it's all about the new mate bond at this specific moment. Which is why they'll be using it alot this chapter.]

Yuno POV:

《you can now claim your mates as your own officially with "Mate Bite"》

I see.. "Officially" Huh. I guess they would be mine either way. But this pleases me more, I can put my mark on their skin aswell. This isn't good for my possessive side, I'm feeling encouraged.

"Kai.. I have a surprise for you, love." I said gently now that he's calmed down and I now know what I need to do. He leans back with me sitting in his lap straddling him and waits patiently with wet eyes. He tilts his head and his ears twitch, his tail swishes in excitement. "Suprise?" He questions. I caress his face with a big smile and explain "A gift, for my new mate, would you like that?" His eyes light up I can almost see the stars. *chuckle* "A gift.. yes yuno, I'd love a gift from my mate!" He squeezes me tighter, his tail wrapping around my waist.

I caress his fluffy tail and lean up to whisper in his ear "Wait patiently, my love." His ears tremble and his breath hitches. I lean back looking into those pretty blood orange eyes with a soft smile. I caress down his face over his neck to his shoulder leaning in I give a chaste kiss to those soft lips. I move on to kiss his cheek, moving to his jaw. "Mate?" He questions breathlessly, I don't answer. I feel his tail twitching under my other hand and I just play with the fluff as I continue my new mission.

I kiss the top of his neck right under the jaw next going just a little lower in the juncture between neck and shoulder. I give a more open mouth kiss along with a little suction, I can feel him getting riled up underneath me. Hmm.. do I just think about doing it? Mate Bite. I feel something click in my mind as I continue sucking and kissing the side of Kai's neck. All previous thoughts go out the window. Bite. I need to bite him, draw his blood. Make him Mine. My mate.

I feel heat behind my eyes and a sore feeling in my gums, pulling back for a quick breath I run my tongue over my teeth and sure enough it's pointy. I get back to it and this time I don't mess around, one more lick and I just go for it, it feels like something primal needs fulfilled. I sink my now pointy canines into his neck, but I don't let go. "Ngh.. Mate.." Kai's voice has become husky when he calls me and it stirs that primal feeling in me to bite down harder. I can taste the blood, feel the warmth slipping past my lips. I feel the heat recede and I pull back licking my mates wound, it closes almost in an instant.

Pulling back I get a good look at Kai's trembling form. Ears twitching constantly, tail squeezing me tight, eyes teared up, body shaking, red heat covering his face from head to chest, and that most obvious wet spot I now feel underneath me. *chuckle* Oh.. how cute is this. *smirk* I wipe the blood off my chin but I don't think it does anything but smear.

I look up at Kai with the smirk still on my face, I hold the side of his flushed face with my bloodied hand. "Do you understand what it is I just did my sweet boy?" I'm riding some primal instinctive high right now, and it feels so good. He looks down at me, his pupils are blown wide and he can hardly catch his breath. "Yuno, my mate. You.."

He still trembles and I have to wonder what it felt like to be claimed by me. I'm sure this is a concept never seen before here, by his reaction. "Yes, darling." I reply "My mate, just.. claimed me." His voice trembles and a few tears fall. I rub them away. Even with all the blood he doesn't seem to care, and I sure as hell don't. "I did, My love. Do you like your gift?" I ask him with a soft smile as I kiss his cheek. His smile is the biggest I've seen so far "Yes, Yuno! Any male would be overjoyed to be officially claimed by a female. I can't believe you've done this for me." He nuzzles into my neck, I hug and rub his back giving comfort.

"Females can claim here? I didn't think it was a thing by your reaction, darling." I ask softly "They can but no one ever does, it's almost unheard of that a female would claim a male, ever. They just don't hold those kinds of affections for their mates." He sounds sad and I wish to reassure him more. "No need to worry, my love. My mates will all be loved by me, that includes you. But I'm sure you've figured that out haven't you, sweet thing?" I praise and question at the same time with a head rub and the brush of an ear. *purr*
"Yes, my mate. My mark is by your heart, and you've claimed me as yours. I need no more proof than this that you will treat your mates the best. No female is like you. I'm so glad you've chosen me." He all but cries to me.

*chuckle* He leans back to look into my eyes "I wouldn't have anyone else as my first mate, love." His eyes light up and he asks me with a big kitty tail wag "Does this make me your Head Male, yuno?" Hm. Something I haven't herd of yet. I'll need more information. "Tell me more before I decide, darling."

Little One comes trotting in as I wait for an explanation, laying right beside us drifting right off to sleep again. "Head Male, is the next most position of power in the family. He usually is the one who makes decisions on the male side of things, like who does what for the family, gives permission to do things for the female, usually because he is most favored and knows the female best. But any and all decisions can be overthrown by the female, they usually just want to relax though so Head Male takes care of most things." Kai's explanation is a good one, and I can understand usual family dynamics better with it.

"I wouldn't have anyone else as my Head Male, Kai. Your more than fit for the position, your strong, your my first mate, and your more than attentive to my needs." He preens under my praise *chuff* "Now, I won't be favoring mates over the other in my family, I'll have everyone speak or show me that they might be feeling left out and I'll fix that as needed. I don't want anyone unhappy in my den." I smile at him as I explain. It seems to only make him happier.

"Of course, yuno! You will be the most wanted female in all the lands." He compliments. *smirk* He sure knows what I want to hear doesn't he. He doesn't seem discouraged either by potential males coming to want me. He must trust me alot already. "My sweet boy sure knows what I want to hear already, huh?" I rub his ears and they tremble under my fingers. His face flushes a light pink.

"Let's get some sleep shall we, my mate?" I ask as I climb off him and get comfortable on the moss beside Little One. "As you wish, yuno." He lays down beside me pulling me to him. My face is practically squished in between his pecs. I notice a flash of red on his chest and lean back touching it softly. "My mark.." I whisper "Its over your heart." I don't know why I thought it would be anywhere else. Kai nuzzles into me with one final sleepy whisper of his own. "Yes, my mate, because I love you.." the words bring tears to my eyes and I have no words. My last thoughts before falling asleep..

I didn't think it would be possible but here it is.. A blood red Crown. Just sitting there.

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