Chapter Four

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[A/N: I couldn't find an all black (melanistic) lion in an art style I liked so just imagine theres no other color to his fur but shades of black along w/ his scar across the nose]

Yuno POV:

Frozen in my sitting position on the ground by the fire I stare up at this gigantic ass lion! I mean the size of an SUV vehicle, if not bigger than that. This would be the moment most would scream in terror or run away, but my instincts are telling me to just sit still and don't scream at the top of my lungs & cause this lion to take a bite out of me.

He's obviously male with his big mane, it looks so fluffy by the way. No! Bad Yuno, no jumping at the big bad lion.. He doesn't attack me either just watches me, observing me. It's odd.. the actions of this lion seem almost, human. *DING!*

Target Aquired
Kai- Melanistic Lion Beastman

Beastmen? What's this? & he has a name.. could this be what I'm thinking?

The lion lays down on his belly head on his paws where he's at and stares at me, like he's expecting something. His tail swishes back and forth softly & I hear soft chuffing noises coming from him. Little One stirs awake and moves from me to him. I'm scared somethings gonna happen "Baby.." I call with my hand out a little trying to coax her back to me. She ignores me and continues on to him.

They bump heads softly when she arrives in front of him, I see I had no need to worry. I'm relieved nothing bad happened. I stand slowly & the lions eyes snap to me, I can tell he's anxious. The tail hasn't stopped moving and his muscles underneath his fur seem tense. Like he thinks he'll have to chase me when I run away. But I'm not going to run away..

I love kitties! & puppies! Why in the hell would I run away from a docile lion! Are you kidding me, I must go touch him to see if this is real life. I make my steps slow so he can see my intentions are to come to him & not to run away. Baby is sat by his head waiting for me to head over to them, she meows softly at me & he takes the hint & meows softly as well, his more deep & dark sounding. It makes me giggle a little, at their attempts to coax me over.

Of course it works, I head over and stand just in front of him. I sit slowly too, still afraid he might maul me.. Just a little, he is a gigantic lion. I put my palm up in front of his nose and let him take the initiative first so I know it's okay.. because once he does I don't think I can stop myself, from launching on him and giving this big kitty all my love.

*tap* I'm brought out of my thoughts when I feel the wetness of his nose touch my palm. I snap my eyes back to his to see he's already gazing at my face. He pushes his nose a little more into my hand & I start my pets there. I stroke his nose and up his face, his eyes closing at my advances. I get to the top of his head and start running my fingers in his mane. *chuff* *chuff* I can't help but smile so big my face hurts at hearing the noises he's making.

"Well, ain't you just a Doll, sweet boy.." I can't help but praise him as I continue to pet around his muzzle. *purr* he starts purring at my comment, he must understand me. Why else would the system say he has a name & called him a "beastman". I'm pretty fast on the uptake so I'm guessing he has a human form too, but that doesn't stop me from loving on this big kitty! I won't let it! He's just so cute like this! I smile at him and lean down to kiss his nose just like I do baby. His eyes snap open the moment I do *chuff* he chuffs hard at me and start to rub his head all over me, wherever he can. I smile & giggle at him.

"Now, now sweet boy. Don't you think it's time we have a little chat?" I tell him softly while patting his head. He cuffs & purrs again at me with one last big head rub down the side of my body. I smile at him. He steps back & I see a bit of a golden orange glow appear and next thing I know.. the most handsome man I've ever laid eyes on is standing before me almost completely naked! He's got a primitive loin cloth on but still he's a sight for my sore eyes!

He's very tall, almost seven foot if not larger, with a good amount of muscles too. His skin is very dark almost the color of his fur, shaggy mullet like dark black hair & his eyes are a dark orange almost red color as he gazes at me, watching my reaction to him. I can see he has a scar on his face its not gouged deep, but lighter in color than the rest of his skin. It can be seen going from ear to ear across the bridge of his nose. How sad, it must have hurt, poor boy. He tilts his head at me while I make my observations of him. How cute.. I look lower & see he has four orange markings like triangle tattoos on his lower cheeks & upper chest pointy end facing inwards of his body, how odd.

"Why don't you sit down in front of me, sweetie?" I ask him quietly trying not to disturb the peace while gesturing in front of my sitting spot. I see his cheeks turn color as he moves to sit across from me in a criss cross like me. "How about we start with our names? Hm?" I ask looking up into his eyes. He's already looking at me but looks away when I meet his gaze, he's got something in them I can't decipher when he looks into my own. "Mines Yuno and you, sweet boy?" I ask again with the pet names, it's always a bad habit of mine it gets me into more trouble than it's worth but I just can't help it.. especially now while I look at his cheeks turn a bright red under his dark skin. Finally, I see him open his mouth to answer me.

"K-Kai.." He manages to stutter out while I watch him steal glances at me now that I've called him sweet boy to his face and not just his lion form. I can't help but smile at his mangled answer. It sturs a sickening happiness in my stomach, the fact that I can do this to a big lion like him. "Kai.. I like it, sweetie. It suits you perfectly." I answer him repeating his name to him with a smile. I can hear & feel his purrs from his chest when I call his name, it makes me happy to hear for some reason. *DING!*

Quest Achieved
DOM and Mate Kai
《time limit none -reward- choice of three》

Hmm.. why does this quest.. make me quite happy?

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