Chapter Seventeen

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[A/N: I decided to pop out a chapter since I'm going on vacation this weekend for a week and wanted to go ahead & get this out asap.]

Yuno POV:

Kai's getting busy working on the fire and starting to roast the deer meat, I know they can just eat it raw and I wouldn't mind but I think he does it to keep me comfortable, my sweet boy. Turning back to the cutie when he gives off a whine, he has his ears pinned back and giving me the most adorable puppy eyes I have ever seen. "It's alright sweetheart, I understand what your feeling but I'm not the type of person to judge someone based on how they look. Just take your time." I give him some encouragement and hope it makes him more comfortable.

He gives a snort and a shake of his head, maybe trying to get rid of bad thoughts or work up the courage? I'm not entirely sure. He sits a little taller before looking into my eyes as I see the sign of transformation. His eyes glow a beautiful chocolate brown and he's engulfed in an aura of that same pretty brown color before there he is. He sit's a little shorter than Kai but not by much just a few inches, with this wavy, curly mess of a bedhead look. His hair rests just below his eyebrows on top and just below the temples on the sides. Fluffy dark brown ears poke out of his nest of hair, along with a small fluffy black tail lightly twitching behind him. The same brown eyes with just a little more gold lines in them than in his beast form. Pretty tan caramel skin, and oh.. I see why he was worried now. Scars. So many scars.

They scatter his whole body all over in random places along with random variation in sizes. I decide not to mention them since he seemed to be so worried about showing himself to me just a few minutes ago. Looking at his chest he's very well muscled just like Kai if not just a tad smaller, probably having to do with their difference in species.

Starting on his shoulders in a diagonal line pointing towards his belly button ending on his pecs, is four dark brown lines in a skinny rectangle shape. Longer lines on the outside closer to the arms and shorter lines sitting closer to the neck perfectly symmetrical. An extra small line sits horizontal on the right side of his upper ribs right under the pec. Leaving him at a power level of five stripes, one stripe more than Kai. I wonder the difference one stripe does in power.. Kai seemed to make a big deal of it, I'll have to ask about it later.

Looking back up into his big nervous puppy eyes, ears pinned back, I give him a large smile "Cute, just like I knew you would be, sweetheart." His cheekbones turn pink, tail swishing behind him and he makes this giggle laugh that makes me smile more but he tries his hardest to suppress it before it escapes to loud. We'll work on that.. Him being himself and knowing I would never judge him on it. I hear the sound of the ding twice from the system and see the red transparent screen pop up right in front of my face between us.

Target Acquired

Silas- Spotted Hyena Beastman


Quest Achieved

DOM and Mate Silas (Optional)

time limit none -reward- Hidden

Silas.. How odd.. It's optional this time. I don't understand the systems criteria for these things, but with no time limit I'll just do what I always do. Put it aside and let things play out. The screen disappears right on time, Kai's just finished. Little one has come back over and is lazing by the fire napping as always, not at all affected by Cutie's presence.

Kai brings the roasted food over on a leaf and sits right beside me legs touching. "Here you go Yuno, seasoned just the way you like it." Kai smiles sitting the food in the middle of our makeshift circle. I made sure to show Kai the way to cook it when he asked me since he's always wanting to please me any way he can, how adorable is he. I rub his knee and smile sweetly at him "Of course you did, Your always such a good boy for me." He chuffs and purrs with a dopey smile on his face at the praise as I let go and grab some of the meat.

Me and Kai dig in taking our first bites when I look up and see Silas not eating. "What's wrong cutie? Why aren't you eating?" I question. Kai answers for him "You have to give him permission first Yuno, since he is courting and not an official mate yet." I look over at him fiddling with his fingers gaze averted. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I'm pretty new to this mating thing, I don't understand all the rules yet. You'll have to speak up if you have questions or want anything from me. I give you permission for that as well, now go ahead and eat with us if your hungry. We'll speak more after." He gives a small smile in return before slowly reaching for the smallest bite on the leaf. My eyebrows furrow but I don't mention it.

After we finish eating I thought about taking our conversation inside the den, but then thought better of it because I'm playing by some animal standards now and don't think Kai would appreciate another male who isn't officially accepted as a mate to be let inside the den. I scoot a little closer so were almost knee to knee but not quite touching just yet. Kai's become my shadow right behind me chest to back but I don't mind, I know he just wants to protect me.

Giving a reassuring smile I start our long awaited conversation "Okay, cutie. How about we start small, what's your name?". "My names.. Silas, pretty female.." He answers in a hesitant small quite voice. I can feel Kai's purr at Silas complementing me and it causes me to giggle a little.

His ears twitch at the sound of my giggle and he smiles more and leans forward a little more. "Silas.. I like your name, sweetheart. Mines Yuno, and this here behind me is my first mate and head male of my family, Kai. I hope you get along in the future." I say while reaching up and behind to rub at the top of Kai's fluffy ears. Silas turns stiff, mumbling "Future.." eyes watery looking at me in question like he can't bring himself to even ask. Kai decides to use this time to speak up. "My mate isn't like those other females who judge us based on our appearance. She actually cares how we feel, want's to make us happy too. She's already accepted your courting gift, your her potential mate now. You don't have to worry with her, she's amazing, the best female and mate to ever exist." He ends his speech nuzzling into the side of my neck purring and chuffing.

That was the most heartwarming thing I've ever herd, I'm gonna have to reward him for that. I turn my head giving him a sweet kiss on the lips before turning back to Silas who now sports the most adorable hopeful look on his face. I huff out a silent laugh and lean forward to reinforce what Kai just said. "Yes, cutie. I'm looking forward to building our bond, I want your mark close to Kai's when we mate and become a family." I say while reaching up to the top of his head to give his ears a rub, feeling him shudder under my touch.

"Mark.. Heart.. Mate.. Family.." He mumbles with tears falling down his cheeks making my heart shatter at the sight. "Silas. Come here." I say with a strong voice, opening my arms and leaning back into Kai's chest. Silas wastes no time lunging forward into my open arms, face buried into my neck nuzzling, whining, crying, trembling, not even caring that his arms are also wrapped around Kai the best he can. Clutched on as tight as he can manage, I just pet the back of his head pulling him close to me just as tight, giving comfort where I can.

Just how touch starved is my new baby.. well have to fix that right up.

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