Chapter Five

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Yuno POV:

I'll come back to think over the quest soon enough. It has no time limit so we'll see how things move along at a natural pace. I am curious of the reward options though.. I also need to ask kai some questions about this world aswell. It could prove useful here in this seemingly primitive world.

Movement brings me out of my thoughts as I look down, my little one is crawling into kai's lap to nap. She's come to like him pretty fast, must be a feline thing. "My little one quite likes you doesn't she?" I ask kai looking up at him with my red eyes, trying to get a conversation going.

He glances at me and then looks back down quickly. My choice of eye color could be intimidating to some, I suppose. "I have never seen a creature like this before.." He mumbles out "Yes, I guess you wouldn't have in this type of setting.." I say back looking around at this gigantic forest. I seriously doubt they have house cats here.. He just observes my face as I look around, I can feel his stare like a laser beam.

I look back at him and call his name "Kai.. I have some questions I need to ask you, sweetie. I hope you don't mind answering even if they seem silly." He looks into my eyes & I see some movement on top of his head I didn't seem to notice before now. Ears! His ears twitched! Oh my god, I need to touch.. Behind him movement catches my eyes once again, I think my dreams have come true.. A tail! Oh no.. I don't know if I can hold back to much longer.

He must notice my staring because his cheeks turn red again and he looks at the ground when he reply's. "Of course, Yuno. You can ask me anything and I'll always answer." Hmm.. This feels like a challenge, one I'll remember for a later, more appropriate time. I smile at him and scoot a little closer to begin my questioning. I can see him start to twitch around at my close proximity, but I ignore it.

"Honey, where exactly are we right now?" I ask him. "This is the hidden forest, Yuno." his brows furrow while he answers me but he doesn't seem to want to voice his questions just yet. So I continue on, "And can you tell me a bit about the lifestyle of 'beastmen' here?" I ask referencing what I learned from the system already. His head tilts while he thinks over his answer, I give him the time he needs to get his thoughts in order.

I scoot closer and gently lift baby into my lap from his and start petting her when he replys. His cheeks are tinted pink from my earlier movement, but I make no other advancements since we're already sitting almost knee to knee. "When males and females come of age they leave their homes to start their own family's. The male courts the female hoping to be accepted into the family, but she may choose to reject him as she pleases. Males get one female partner the rest of our lives so it's a big deal to be accepted. Females choose as many males as she wishes." He says to me looking into my red eyes, he blinks slowly hoping he gave me the right answer. I smile in return, which gains me a beaming smile from him as well as a tail swoosh.

So this world is based on polygamy? But with a matriarch system? Hmm.. and males only get one female for life? How odd this world seems to be. Luckily I've always been open minded. After thinking things over I have a few more questions to ask him. "Sweetheart, what's the ratio of male to females here? And what's the power balance in these family's like? And what did you mean one female for life?" I ask him with a curious head tilt of my own twards him. I see his ears twitch at my action.

"The ratio is 500 males to every 10 females, The female makes the choices in the family, she chooses who enters the family and who she favors, if any at all. It's not often females care much for their males, it's all about survival here. It's dangerous and females need alot of males for protection and to provide. If the female accepts a male and he upsets her she can choose to cancel the mate mark and he will either go crazy from sadness or choose to not live anymore." He finally finishes with a big eyed look at me. I smile back at him for the information.

Hm, I see.. so it is a matriarch situation. It seems males here live for the female and her only. The risks are always high here it seems. I have much to consider going forward. I can't help it anymore, I lean forward to kai and raise my hand up. I pat and rub the side of his head giving him some praise "Thank you, sweet boy. For answering all of my questions." *purr* I can't help but giggle when he tilts his head into my hand and starts to purr.

*Growl* I look down at the noise, It's my stomach. Little one's head pops up at the sound. "It seems it's time to eat, all the questions made time go by fast." I say looking up to kai. "Please, allow me to catch you some prey, Yuno!" Kai seems more than eager to please me. I wonder why he seems a little more than eager, maybe this has something to do with his past? He did mention females and rejection with a saddened tone earlier. More questions for another time. hah.. so much to learn and ask about. "Of course, honey." I reply to his request to catch me some prey.

He swiftly stands and switches to his lion form, he goes to run off taking a step forward but I call to him before he can get far. "Kai!" He stops dead and turns his head to me. "Come here." I say to him gesturing in front of me, more like ordered him, yuno.. He bounds over and lays in front of me, I can't help it I just love fluffy things. I hug his neck as best I can and rub my face in his mane "*sigh* Be careful sweetie, okay?" I didn't know what to say to me hugging him randomly, so I just said the first thing that came to mind.

*chuff* he chuffs at me in response. *purr* he purrs his agreement to my attention before rubbing his head down my side, and going off to catch something to eat. I have so much to think about, I don't even know where to start.. I lay down on the grass and close my eyes, petting little one while we wait for lunch. *sigh* "This world seems like my ideal place to live, now I just need to get the resources to do it.." *DING!*

《Hidden Quest Complete- Gaining Knowledge: Quest Reward- Red Leather Collar》
《worn by your chosen SUBS》

Hmm??. *smirk*
"Oh?.. this is gonna be fun."

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