Chapter Six

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Kai POV:

I think about my female yuno as I stalk through the mossy forest beds, smelling and listening for some prey to catch. Wait.. my female? Well.. I suppose I am going to court her, she's the only female who can even stand to look me in the eyes. That's probably why I'm so shy around her, all the females I've seen so far cower away at the sight of me whether that's in disgust of my looks or just plain fear of my four stripe strength. Either way yuno isn't like them, she's special.

*sniff* I catch a whiff of some rabbit, I hope yuno love's this prey! I chase after the scent with her still occupying my mind, I don't think she won't be in my thoughts all the time now that I've spoken to her. I can't help it, she's given me all the attention and praise I've craved since I was a cub.

I love her little nicknames for me, even if they heat my face everytime she speaks them. She's the first female to look into my eyes and call me sweet names instead of insults, I can't help but wish she were my mate. I can only hope she can see past my looks and learn to love me, I know it's alot to wish from a female but I can't help but think she's one that could. This is all on the hope that she even wants to be my mate.

I slow down to a crouch and listen carefully to the prey just past the bush in front of me. I peer through the leaves and pounce on the rabbit before it can make a run for it, killing it instantly. I hurry back to yuno with her prize dangling in my mouth. I come to the clearing to see she's once again laid out facing the sky, with her eyes closed.

*growl* I growl softly at her to get her attention, letting her know that I'm back with her meal. She opens her eyes and sits up, sitting the little creature aside while I walk up to her. I sit a few paces away and drop the prey right at her side. *swish* my tail swishes back and forth, I'm waiting for praise on my kill for her. She leans forward and rubs my muzzle, giving me a kiss on my lion forms nose. "Such a good boy, this bunny will be perfect for lunch." She praises while giving me such sweet attention. *chuff* I don't think I've chuffed this much happiness ever.

She leans back and seems to be getting a fire ready to roast my kill. I turn and transform back to my human form. "Can I clean the kill for you, yuno?" I ask her glancing between the bunny and her. "Of course, honey." She says softly to me without turning around continuing her task. I blush a deep red at her pet name, honey.. I don't see how honey from buzzers can sound so nice coming from her lips, but it does.. I like it. I continue on, grabbing the kill taking it to the flowing stream to clean for "lunch" as she called it.

Finishing up I take the kill back over to yuno, who has a fire started and ready to cook our meal. I could eat it raw but females prefer cooked meat, so I will do whatever makes her happy. I kneel down beside yuno and we get to work cutting & putting the meat on spits to roast. "I should look into getting some spices to make the meat taste better soon.." I hear her mumble with my good hearing. Even though I don't know of these 'spices' I will do what I can to get her everything she wishes. All beastmen want is to make their females happy and they can only hope to get any type of acknowledgment of their efforts.

The little creature sits in yuno's lap and sleeps. I've noticed that seems to be its favorite thing to do. I watch as the meat roasts, and when it's ready I make sure to hand yuno the first bite personally. I want her to see me, touch me, praise me, just look at me. It doesn't matter at this point I just want her to know it's me.. I did this for her. And it seems like my efforts weren't in vain.

She pets just below my right ear, brushing it lightly in the process causing it to twitch and my tail hair to stand on end from the sensitivity. "Such a good boy.. aren't you sweetie?" She praises and asks me at the same time while rubbing down my hair. I blush deep and bend my head down, glancing at her as I reply quietly "yes.. yuno." With a small smile. I hear her chuckle at my response to her.

She stops petting me causing my head to shoot up so I can see what's happening. She leans forward, grabbing another spit with rabbit on it handing it to me herself. I'm stunned, eyes wide mouth slightly open as she speaks "Go on Honey, you need to eat too." I grab the stick and watch as she goes back to eating her own like this wasn't a big deal.

Maybe she doesn't understand what she just did.. By the questions she was asking earlier, I'd say she doesn't understand much at all. For whatever reason, I don't wish to question her though. She offered me food. Females don't do that hardly ever, they don't care. They want their males to provide for them without much thought to caring about their efforts. The female might have a favorite in the family but it usually isn't more than one or two. The rest are just shields to them, sadly.

I know yuno isn't like other females, but her actions of affection and praise seem to keep stunning me. It makes me happy she cares enough about me to make sure I eat as well. I can't help but wonder how lucky I am to have scented her in the forest. How it could have been anyone, it just happened to be me. But I pray to the beastgod my happiness that it was me who stumbled across her. That I have this chance at having in my opinion the best female and mate I've ever set eyes on.. *tap*

I feel something soft touch my chin, turning my head. I snap out of my stupor looking down at her. She's got my chin in her grasp and she's looking at me with this look, I can't explain it but it makes my cheeks heat and my stomach flip. "Eat." She orders looking between my rabbit and my lips. Then she let's go, going back to eating her own and feeding the little creature. I finally dig into mine, with red cheeks and heat spreading down my neck.

Only her..
Only she can make me feel this way..

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