PROLOGUE, snezhnaya's shield

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A shiver racked through her body, a coughing fit struggling to get out as she raised her dainty hand to her mouth. Her chest heaving as blood splattered against her skin. The coughs, the cold, the suffocating feeling of her lungs pressed crushed and ripped out from her rib cage and through her throat. The pain she felt was all too real. But finally, she stabilized. Once her breathing becoming normal. Gently, ever so gently, she wiped the blood away from her mouth. Her tired eyes looking out from the ice covered room, towards a large window. Outside, a blizzard raged through the night, and ever so carefully a transparent light blue cover could be seen blanketing the winter wonderland of Snezhnaya.

It was known as the Shield. An impenetrable force field created by one person alone. And it wasn't the Tsaritsa. No... it was by the Tsaritsa's most trusted and dearest friend, Y/n L/n. The girl who was dying.

The shield covering Snezhnaya was not some force created by a vision. No, in fact, Y/n was not gifted with a vision. Instead, she had otherworldly powers that could not be explained. Not even The Doctor could understand where such an ability had come from, and (truth be told) he would have experimented on her long ago to find out the truth behind the matter, but the Tsaritsa had long forbidden him from ever laying a single finger on her. Though, The Doctor did get the Tsaritsa to promise to hand over Y/n's body to him once she dies...


Yes, with this great power comes a great sacrifice. Since Y/n protects Snezhnaya with her shield at all times, well, it has shown that such a power damages her body to a great extent.

Even so, she refuses to stop. All she wants is to protect her home for as long as she is able. Even if it means she will die within a few years.


With her name being called, she gently turned away from the window, her tired eyes, heavy with dark circles and exhaustion, looked to the owner of the voice. The Tsaritsa. She stood by the doorway to Y/n's "special" room.

The room as special as it is. Was designed by The Doctor in order to help Y/n's abilities be amplified when Y/n would feel particularly weak on certain days. Especially since she uses her ability constantly. A shield can never fall, falter, or simply take a break after all.

"My lady," her voice stuttered a bit. An obvious layer of fatigue lacing within those two words.

The Tsaritsa held a sort of sympathy within her eyes. She cared deeply for Y/n, and wanted nothing but the best for her, but .. she also wants to ensure the safety of all of Snezhnaya. So the shield must stay intact.

"You've been coming to this room more often than usual."

"I know ..," Y/n said with a faint smile, "I've just been feeling weaker lately is all. With a good night's rest, I know I'll be able to walk about more tomorrow. I promise."

The Tsaritsa watched Y/n closely for a moment. The girl before her did look particularly weaker than she did the week before. Maybe her time was coming up faster than what was originally predicted? The Tsaritsa tried not to think of it. For now, she wanted Y/n to live happily. Lively. Lovely. Freely.

Because she knew that once Y/n died, the shield would fall. And she wanted Y/n to enjoy the peace that her shield creates and to not worry or fret or agonize over the possibilities of Snezhnaya being invaded or attacked because of her eventual death.



The Tsaritsa marveled for a second at how soft and kind Y/n's voice was. As if she wasn't using Y/n for her abilities... as if she wasn't killing her by making her use her shield.

"Is there .. is there anything you might want? Anything at all?"

The Tsaritsa, in her own way, has always asked this question to her. And Y/n would always think for a moment. A thoughtful expression caressing her features as the light reflecting in the room would cascade over her beautiful features.

And, as always, Y/n would ask for nothing.

"My apologies, my Lady, but there is nothing I could want except for the protection of Snezhnaya."

The Tsaritsa would always accept this answer. Never once forcing the frail and sickly girl to say what she really wants. But she knows that Y/n wants something.

Often times the Tsaritsa could catch the girl gazing out the window in a thoughtful manner. A clear look of awestruck and daydreams evident in her eyes. She was definitely one who fancied the sides of romance and love. But the Tsaritsa decided that she wanted Y/n to tell her what she wanted clearly and confidently.

But .. if there were a day to come that Y/n's condition would worsen even more, then the Tsaritsa really will give Y/n a many of things if she never speaks her mind. Because one as such as Y/n deserves all good things.

"Alright," the Tsaritsa finally said after analyzing her for a moment, "if that is what you wish."

And just as she turned to leave, she looked back at Y/n one last time, "oh, and as I mentioned a few days ago... my harbingers will be here for a ceremony. So please rest well. I would love for you to attend and stand by my side."

"Of course, my Lady. As I am for Snezhnaya ... I am also a shield for you. Ill be sure to gain all the rest that I can so that I can be by your side during the ceremony."

"Lovely... sleep well, Y/n."

Y/n bowed to the Tsaritsa as she left room, and once she straightened back up, another coughing fit racked through her body. A few more splatters of blood decorating the front of her clothes as she fell to the floor in a withering heap.

I will never fall...I must remain the shield of Snezhnaya. For the Tsaritsa.

Laying down on the cold, marbled floor, Y/n let her eyes slip closed. Her body feeling too weak to go and find her bedroom within the Tsaritsa's palace. For now, she will focus on her rest.

And as she slept. The shield grew brighter still. The impenetrable force field remaining as strong as it always was.

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