NINE, to give what cannot be given

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Pierro thought over the time discrepancy as he slowly walked out of the meeting room and down the long hall. He knew who he was going to next. He had promised her that he was going to talk with her tonight after all. Now, thinking of back, a part of him couldn't believe that such a room could cause a side effect as that. But, Dottore was the one who had made the room. So, Pierro should be grateful that there weren't any other effects.

Then there was y/n.

She went to that room far more times than everyone else.

Pierro wondered if she knew about the side effect and he wondered how she perceived how time passed around her.

He thought of their many interactions together. He thought of how they would go and check the barrier frequently. He thought of her sad smile when she would realize that the barrier was always in tact. He thought of their many late night talks. He thought of how she always remained strong when in his presence despite being so weak.

He thought .. of making her happy.

He'll admit, these last six months had gone by rather quickly thanks to that damned room. It made everything within him lose focus. It made him realize that he had fallen hard within only six months.

Fallen for how she would squirm under his gaze. Fallen for how she devoted herself to Snezhnaya. Fallen for how modest and shy she was. Fallen for how strong she was despite her weak body. Fallen for the way she talks. Fallen for how she would ramble on her most favorite things during their late night conversations.

He huffed a little, honestly, maybe I could give her what cannot be given.

He had finally made it to her door, and just as he was about to knock, the maid who frequented Y/n's bedside had called out to her in a panicked state.


Pierro had decided to stay outside the room. He was no medic. Any injury or illness that y/n might be showing would have to be dealt with by the maid. So he thought it best to stay out of the way.

Though, he did decide to listen from outside the door...

Within the room, Charlie grabbed a tight hold onto y/n's hand, her other arm carefully supporting y/n's back as she coughed violently. Her breath was hitched. Blood coated the blankets. Her lips trembled.

"W - why do i feel so much worse than usual?"

She wasn't aware of the side effects of the room.

"Should I get Dottore?"


She coughed again, but she made it perfectly clear to not bring the doctor in here.

"Just get me clean blankets and some water. I'll be better in the morning."

"But y/n-"

"Please. Pierro promised to talk with me tonight, I don't want him to see this."

Charlie bit her lip but rushed to y/n's drawers nonetheless. Her hands were shaky as she pulled out new blankets for y/n.

"Can I ask you something, y/n?"

Tired eyes flicked over to the bustling maid, "always."

"Why does it matter if Pierro sees you like this? I mean, we all know that you're ...," her sentence trailed off as she changed the blankets. The bloodstained covers being tossed to the floor as clean ones immediately covered a shivering Y/n.

"Do you want people to see you in bloodstained clothing?"

"N - no," Charlie answered quickly, slightly caught off guard with the question.

"That should answer itself," y/n muttered. Her eyes shifting away finally.

That was all there was to it, right?

"Of course, y/n...," Charlie busied herself with picking up the discarded bloodstained blankets, a silence filling the air before she broke it, "I'll be back with your water."

"Thank you, Charlie."

"Its no problem at all, Y/n."

"I mean," y/n called after the maid as Charlie went to close her door.

"I know."

Outside, the maid had bumped into the Jester. Her eyes widening at the sight of him before she quickly looked away, "pardon me."

She bowed to him before taking her quick leave. She silently decided to get y/n her water after Pierro was done speaking with her for the night. Mainly because Charlie knew better than to interrupt their nightly conversations.


She jumped when her door opened again, this time revealing Pierro. She had looked around herself to make sure that there wasn't any blood from her coughing fit before greeting him.

"Pierro, you're early than usual," she tried to cover her fatigue with a smile.

"There is no need for small talk as such as that," he said as he sat on her bed. The mattress dipping a bit as he sat closer than usual.

"And there is no need to act tough either. I already know of your coughing fit and the bloody sheets that your maid had taken."

"O - oh," y/n mumbled.

Her eyes were downcast and staring at her lap.

Pierro had turned slightly to watch her. His eyes mesmerized by the look on her face.

He couldn't stop himself from reaching out and placing a gentle palm onto her cheek. His thumb rubbing small, light circles onto her skin.

"P- Pierro?"

Her voice brought him back to his senses, but he didn't stop caressing her face.

"Do you know of the side effect of that enhancing room?"

"Side effect?, I don't. But since Dottore had made it i have already guessed that there was one, but I haven't figured out the side effect yet. Why do you ask?"

She tried to keep her voice steady. But his hand that was on her face was making it hard to focus. His skin felt warm too. She could practically melt at his touch.

"Apparently, the side effect causes anyone who walks in to lose their perception on time."

"I see .. so what are you trying to say?".

"We've known each other and been talking to one another for six months."


She jolted a bit at the realization.

Pierro found her reaction to be amusing. Honestly, he could kiss her right now.

His lips parted a bit at the thought. Everything sort of dawning on him.

He had fallen for her. He was sure of it.

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