THREE, a ceremony with a jester

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Entering a grand hall, Y/n and Pierro were greeted with the sight of the Tsaritsa and the rest of the harbingers. The Doctor was quick to greet her, completely ignoring Pierro. Now, he didn't greet her because it was the nice thing to do or because he wanted to, he merely greeted her because he had a fascination and curiosity of her. In other words, he was discreetly reminding her of what would become of her body once she dies.

"Greetings, Y/n! I heard your.. condition has worsened slightly?"

"Indeed," Y/n answered, greeting the Doctor in a simple manner. Her grip noticeably tightening on Pierro's arm. Not that it phased him though.. she wasn't strong enough to actually make him wince. But he did get the meaning behind her discreet action and moved her along.

"Cut the pleasantries Doctor, the ceremony will began in any moment."

Dottore let out a little huff as he watched Pierro wisk the dainty woman away so that he and Y/n could stand by the Tsaritsa's side.

The Tsaritsa smiled at Y/n, her hand extending out as Pierro let Y/n escape from his grip.

"You look better today."

"Thank you, my lady."

Making sure Y/n was secured at her side. She looked forward. Her head nodding to the two pyro slingers standing by the doors, awaiting for their commands.

"Open the doors. It's time for the new recruits to be inducted into the Fatui."

And with a loud creak, the big double doors opened up. A strong looking squadron of newly trained Fatui marched right in. Their eyes blazing with a sense of loyalty and strength. They were in the presence of their Tsaritsa, their Harbingers, and their Shield. There was no time for signs of weakness.

The Tsaritsa stepped forward, gaining everyone's attention. Her presence was commanding and it demanded respect.

Y/n could only smile, she was happy for the Tsaritsa and for Snezhnaya. It seemed they were getting even more strong and reliable soldiers.

"My loyal and most trusted people," she began. Y/n closed her eyes in a thoughtful manner and listened intently to the speech. She loved how the Tsaritsa spoke. There was always a highly respected tone within her words. And her movements were always graceful. Yet she always managed to remain cool, calm, and collected. Like cyro. As if she always had a handle on any situation presented to her.

She snapped her eyes open suddenly when she felt a weakness within her legs. Her eyes moving to glance at the Tsaritsa's back. Was I more tired than I once thought? I didn't feel this sort of exhaustion this morning...

She tried to control her breathing and focus on the Tsaritsa's words instead. But nothing seemed to work. Just as she was about to fall, a steady hand placed itself on the small of her back and she was pulled closely to the side by the Jester.

"You will not fall during the ceremony."

His words, despite holding a harsh and commanding tone, did not have an ounce of threat within them. It almost made her think he cared, but she knew better. This was all for the Tsaritsa's image. One who commands all respect shown to her.

Throughout the rest of the ceremony, Pierro had supported her. She will admit that he was nice to lean onto every once and awhile. It made her think that the first of the Fatui Harbingers was reliable in that respect.

And before too long, the ceremony was over and the newly inducted agents were allowed to mingle amongst themselves.  The Harbingers all crowding around each other to have their discussion with their Tsaritsa.

"Oh," the Doctor mused, "maybe your condition was worse than I had originally thought," he said as he noted Pierro's support on Y/n's lower back.

Pantalone nodded, "dear y/n, please don't stress yourself too much. As it was great for you to be here, you needn't force yourself."

The Tsaritsa watched as her Harbingers watched over Y/n. A light smile gracing her lips before she willed it to disappear.

"They are right Y/n.. even though I wanted you to be here, if you were feeling particularly weak today, then you should have told Pierro."

Y/n waved her hand lightly, "no, no. I promise I didn't mean to cause worry. In fact I was feeling quite energized this morning. But I suppose that was just my adrenaline running in anticipation for the ceremony."

The Tsaritsa bit the inside of her cheek. Y/n was truly getting weaker and weaker by the day.

"Will you answer me now, if I asked?"

Y/n tilted her head to the side, a hint of curiosity in her gaze as her lips pouted in a confused manner, "pardon?"

The Tsaritsa gathered herself, "will you finally tell me what you want?"

The Tsaritsa had promised herself that she wouldn't force y/n to tell her anything. In fact, she had made this decision last night as well. But.. maybe with her harbingers here .. y/n might be inclined to say something. Anything.

Y/n, all the while, was taken back a bit. Pierro steadying her ever so lightly to make sure she didn't lose balance.

"I- my lady-," she stuttered out her words before finally composing herself. A delicate smile moving to shower her perfectly sculpted lips as she was prepared to give her rehearsed line. The same line she always always gave. Because a shield had no use for dreaming.

"All I could ever want is the continued happiness and protection for Snezhnaya."

The Tsaritsa closed her eyes for a moment, containing herself before continuing.

"Please, Y/n."

The harbingers were awestruck by that single word. Please. It wasn't something that was ever heard from the Tsaritsa's lips.

"The Tsaritsa," Pierro began, "is offering you something in return for your loyal service to her. If you do not take up the offer, then I will force the answer out of you."

She looked to the Jester with a small bit of fear in her gaze before looking to the Tsaritsa who, not once, tore her gaze from her.

"My lady..."

"Yes, y/n?"

She sighed before giving a smile, her mind trying to ignore Pierro's threat, but she will admit that his words were the ones forcing her to speak.

"I will admit that there is something I want, but.."

"What is it?"

The Tsaritsa urged her dearest y/n to say anything. She could ask for her own little palace and the Tsaritsa would find a way to make one for her.

"Well, I want .. I want to know what it would be like to .. to love someone, and to be loved in return. And well, I feel like that is something that can't just be asked for."

She finally said it. The one thing that she would find herself daydreaming about every day. The one thing that she wouldn't be able to have since she knows that her life would soon come to an end in a few years time.

Why would someone want to love me? When all I'm going to do is die and leave them in just a few years?

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