FINAL, shield of snezhnaya

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It all started to fall apart after he had given the scarf to Childe. Which was much to Childe's surprise and slight fear.

First, there was the news of Signora's death.

And then,

Halfway through the meeting,

The shield blanketing Snezhnaya ..

S H A T T E R E D.


He had left for home in a hurry, ordering the other harbingers to stay with the Tsaritsa in case of emergency.

The travel was quick. He didn't stop for anything. Didn't idle. Didn't think. Didn't panic.

He just needed to get home.


Pierro opened the door to his home. His hand gently closing it behind him as he waited for his wife to answer.

He hoped that she was still alive within their home. Hoped with every fiber of his being.

She's not answering? He frowned at her quietness.

This behavior was odd of hers. And even though the shield was broken .. he wanted to believe wholeheartedly that she was within the house.

Usually she would be sitting on the sofa waiting for him to return. A smile always decorating her face in a delicate sort of way.

And when his work nights were long, he would frequently find her with a blanket covering her as she would sit on the floor near the door and lean against the wall. Her sleeping face was always so cute was what he would muse to himself.

So where was she now?

He could feel fear sink in. Bit he pushed the feeling away. There was no time for fear.

Now, he'll admit that there were a few times that she was just too weak to get out of bed.

And when he would come home she would apologize continuously for not greeting him at the door.

He would, of course, make her feel like the most special woman in the world by showering her with love and affection, but ...

She was still too quiet.

He shrugged off his coat and hung it by the door on one of the hooks adorning the wall.

A terrible feeling settling in his being.

He didn't like it.

Not one bit.

He rested a hand on the hilt of his sword that was strapped to his waist. His lips set in a tight line.


He called once more.

No answer.

He walked through the house quietly. His eyes darting into the living room. Not there. Into the kitchen. Not here either. He looked in the spare rooms, the closest, laundry room, the guest room. Empty.

He locked onto their bedroom door. It was slightly ajar.

Turning towards it, a familiar scent invaded his senses. It was a starch scent of metallic.


He reached for the doorknob. His fingers gripping onto the handle with little effort.

His lips parted a little as if to call out her name once more.

But no sound left his lips.

He gently pushed the door open.

It was a horrific sight. Her body was mangled. Tortured even. Many signs showing across her body that her death was not quick nor painless.

Walking over to her, he bent down ever so slightly. Despite being in such a state with blood splattering all across the room like some horror flick, she had a peaceful look on her face. As if death was the only escape she had from the pain she went through.

His hand reached for her. His fingers gently pressing against her cheek. His thumb caressing her cold skin.

He was gone for two days. Her death happened sometime in that time span. Or maybe ... it lasted throughout the two days he was gone.

The latter made his heart beat loud and thunderous in his chest. His whole demeanor darkening and seething.

"My dearest y/n .. I will kill whoever dared to do this to you. They will suffer and wither and then and only then will they die."

They were supposed to be happy together.

And he was going to make the person pay for ever daring to take this happiness away.

Because she didn't just shield Snezhnaya.

She shielded him too.


HIS SHIELD, pierroWhere stories live. Discover now