FOURTEEN, he gave what cannot be given

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"So? Do you wish for anything else, my dear?"

The Tsaritsa was watching y/n as the young woman pranced about the special room.

Pierro had proposed to her a week ago.

It has been a whole week since she said yes.

It still felt unreal to her.

"Oh, my lady- I don't think I could possibly need anything else. Pierro has been visiting me even more so this past week. And he doesn't treat our visits as if he was just guarding me either. He holds my hand, and caresses my cheek. He runs his fi gers through my hair at the most random of times. He only ever kissed the corner of my lips one time, but I'm in no rush to feel what a true kiss is like..."

The Tsaritsa was right from before.

Y/n was a dreamer through and through. Her head was always filled with romance and what could be.

"Come now, y/n. There must be something else you have wanted."

The young woman finally stopped prancing about as she gave the Tsaritsa a shy and bashful look, "well..."

"Well~," the Tsaritsa urged. Y/n had never been so vocal when it came to getting something she wanted. Pierro had definitely been a good influence on her. That much was for sure.

"I always wanted to live up in a nice little warm home. In a cottage up near the mountains. Kind of like that one winter lodge with the hot springs. But- but of course I know that I should stay here, within the castle," y/n said the last part in a hurry.

"I see, well, then how about this."

"How about what?"

The Tsaritsa grabbed y/n's hands and held her close, "while you and Pierro get married, why don't I find a nice place for you to live. That you you and Pierro can be together like a true husband and wife."

"But- but the special room here, and-"

"Shh, a special room can be built in your soon-to-be new home as well. That way, your shield duties won't be affected in the slightest."

Y/n bit the inside of her cheek, "well, it sounds nice, but .. but I'm sure Pierro would far much prefer out current living arrangements-"

"Actually," speak of Pierro and he shall appear, "I absolutely loathe how your maid barges into your room. How am I supposed to kiss you without someone ever so casually walking in?"

Y/n felt her face heat up at the sight of her husband-to-be. Why does he show up so suddenly?! Its as if he knows we were discussing something important!

His eyes were solely focused on y/n and the Tsaritsa couldn't have been more pleased.

She was happy that Pierro had stepped up.

She was happy that Pierro was the one to give y/n what cannot be given by any ordinary means.

She was happy that .. y/n was happy.

And she hoped it stayed that way for
y/n's remaining years.

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