FIVE, her new "guard"

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Y/n laid in the middle of the floor of the special room. Her eyes staring up at the ceiling made of glass. There was a perfect view of a snowstorm just above. She wished she could see the stars on the window ceiling someday, but .. that day wouldn't be today. Besides, it was early morning. The stars wouldn't be out anyway.

"P- Pierro! Sir! What brings you hear today?"

"That is none of your concern," the cold voice replied curtly, "now leave. I have business to attend to with her."

"R - right! Of course! My apologies, sir!"

The sound of footsteps scurrying away echoed slightly into the room before the ever so fading sound was completely replaced by heavy footsteps instead.

She moved to sit up, her hands lying against the cold marble floor as she looked up at the daunting figure that stopped just before her.

"Can you stand?"

"Yes, of course," she said quickly. Hoping to not offend the harbinger. Shakily, she moved, though her legs felt wobbly and just before she fell back to the ground. A hand had grabbed her arm quite roughly and held her up with ease.

"Thank you, Pierro," she gave a stiff nod to him as he let her go, but he stayed close as to make sure she didn't lose her balance and fall to the floor.

There was a heavy silence hanging in the room then. Y/n wondered why he had come to see her. Mainly because he had never bothered with her presence before. So seeing him now .. was odd, to say the least.

"W -," she cleared her throat to keep herself from stuttering, "what did you need to see me about?"

Pierro thought for a moment. He could tell her that he was there to give her a sort of "comfort" in her last years of life, but.. he was far too prideful for such a thing. The thought didn't sit well with him, so he decided to give her a different answer. It wouldn't be a lie, of course, but not the whole truth either.

"As of late, our enemies have taken the initiative. They have been getting bolder, more cunning. And the Tsaritsa has taken notice of the lack of .. protection towards you."

She watched as he grabbed a strong hold of her hand, even going as far as to kneeling before her.

"So, I was assigned to protect you, to guard you, our shield, in your last years."

She felt his grip on her hand tighten a little and she felt like he was holding back some information, but she decided not to ask him. The info he was withholding was probably not important anyway. Besides, she knew that the Tsaritsa was worried for her. It only made sense that she would be assigned a guard such as Pierro.

"Stand, Pierro."

Once he was towering over her again, she had grabbed the hand that was holding onto her own with her free one. He took notice of how light and frail her touch was.

"Guarding me will not be an easy task. Tomorrow I will be inspecting the barrier from outside, I will complain about the cold, and will probably ask you to carry me along the way, and don't even get me started on how I will want food 24/7 of the time."

Pierro huffed a little, "sounds to me that you're spoiled way too much by the Tsaritsa."

Y/n smiled, "i wasn't asking you to tell me your thoughts. I was telling you what you were going to be in for."

"I can handle whatever you throw at me."

"We'll see."

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