SIXTEEN, overthinker

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Charlie crossed her arms over her chest. It had been awhile since she last seen y/n, and this was the first time Pierro had brought her back to the palace and had left y/n in Charlie's care while he went to take care of harbinger business. (Usually he wouldn't have brought Y/n since he felt better keeping her at home, but apparently she had missed talking to Charlie and wanted to see the maid again.)

And now that Y/n was here and that Charlie wants all the juicy details, all Y/n could say was heh?!

"What do you mean by heh?!"

Y/n laughed sheepishly and scratched the back of her head in slight confusion, "well Charlie, i don't exactly get what you're trying to ask..."

Charlie looked to the door. They were currently in Y/n's old room.

Yep, it's closed.

She looked back to the shield.

"I'm talking about, well, you know .. it."


Charlie raised both of her hands and mashed them together. Interlocking her fingers every which way, "you know the forbidden dance, the devil's tango, the-"

Y/n hastily reached out and grabbed Charlie's hands to keep them from moving anymore. Her face felt hot, and she was quick to get nervous.

"C - Charlie! We - we haven't-"

She was a stuttering mess and Charlie couldn't keep the smirk from forming on her face.

"Oh? So, you two haven't done it yet then~," her tone was teasing as she broke her hands free from y/n's grasp and tackled her into a hug, "hehe, then again i bet he's too scared to do it with you cause he might break you in half!"

"Please, stop!"

Y/n, in her embarrassment, covered her face with her hands.

Sure she thought of Pierro kissing her, sometimes even roughly. But- but she never thought of sex! I mean, would Pierro even want to do it with her in the first place?!

Taking notice of her sudden silence, Charlie peaked at her from behind. Her eyes softening at the sight of a panicking.

"Hey, hey, I didn't mean anything bad by it. Besides, he probably doesn't even know that you're ready for that sort of thing. So, cheer up, ok?"

"But," y/n started as she slowly moved her hands from her face, "what if he isn't interested in me in that way? He kissed me on the corner of my lips once and gave me a direct kiss twice, and he gave me hugs too, but other than that ...," y/n trailed off as she quickly started to overthink things. Back before she was married and still living in the castle, she got to see many people start to date and or get married. And their marriages were completely different than hers. Most likely because she was dying..

She turned to Charlie, "does a man need that sort of thing? Or .. is that something every marriage should have?"

Y/n did have to admit that she was curious, but .. she didn't want Pierro to have to feel obligated to such things.

Charlie thought for a moment, and she thought of the type of man that Pierro was.


"You honestly shouldn't worry about that, Y/n. It'll make you die faster if you worry too much."

La Signora.

Neither of them heard the door open when she had walked in. They way she walked, talked, held herself.

She was one confident, fair lady.

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