SEVEN, comfort

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I forgot the maid's name and had to read through my book to find her 😭😅 damn side characters and their forgettable faces/names

update ;; her name is charolette and y/n calls her charlie for short.

I'll still forget lmao

"Lady Y/n?"

A hand gently shook her awake. Her eyes, feeling groggy, peeled open as she spotted Charolette. A dear friend of hers who was also a maid within the castle.

"Oh, hello, is something the matter?"

Charlie seemed to hesitate for a moment, "well, how to put this, the Jester had carried you to bed last night and I was wondering if you were alright..."

He did..?

Y/n tried her best to think of what happened the day prior.

She remembered having to check the shield on the outskirts of Snezhnaya's border. Pierro was with her at the time.

She then learned that she shield was fine and it was all in her head of it weakening...

And then she overworked herself and ended up passing out.

He must of brought me all the way back here.

I should apologize for my behavior.

"...Lady Y/n?"

"Don't worry, Charlie. Everything is alright. I was exhausted was all. Since it had been awhile that I had gone out, I must have gotten tired from all the walking and trudging through the snow."

Charlie gave a small smile, "do you want to stay in bed then?"

"Yes please."

"Alright, I'll bring your breakfast right away."

"Thank you, Charlie."

The maid said nothing else, but she did look back for a moment.

She looks weaker than usual...

She shook the troubling thought away and decided to focus on getting the young woman some breakfast.

Pierro, who was walking down the hallway at the time, watched as the maid left Y/n's room so casually. His eyes trailing to the closed door with a hint of protectiveness.

"Why is it that there are no guards here? Anyone could walk into this room and kill her...," he muttered as gave a few good loud knocks against her door.


Her voice was muffled, but she sounded alright.

"Can I come in?"

Pierro, she recognized his voice immediately and saw this a good time to apologize to him for passing out.

"Please, come in."

Once given permission he opened the door and briskly walked in, but before walking to her beside and taking up the chair that sat there, he was sure to close the door behind him.

"Y/n," he began as he sat down.

"I would like to apologize," she said, cutting him off, "i didn't realize how overworked I was and should have told you. If I did, then you wouldn't have had to carry me all the way back here. So for that, I'm sorry."

He watched as her face changed into a sorrowful and pained expression. His eyes softening at the sight just a tiny bit.

"You .. do not have to apologize," he finally said.

Her eyes widened at his words.

"I should have known better. I should have known that you were exhausted."

He didn't want to say sorry, but he mustered up the strength and said those damned words anyway.

"I am the one who is sorry."

When he saw the relief flood over her, and how it looked like there was a considerable weight lifted off of her shoulders he .. for some reason, felt his heart thud loudly in his chest. Just looking at her made him heat up, and he couldn't understand why.

"Thank you, Pierro."

He got up from his chair then, "now, your maid was bringing you breakfast, correct? I'll leave you to eat and to rest for the day."

Before he could get far, she had grabbed his sleeve. Her fingers lightly tugging at the fabric. When he looked back at her, he took notice of her shy demeanor. Her eyes bashfully looking away.

"Will you come talk with me later tonight?"

"If time permits it."

The beating of his heart got faster.

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