SEVENTEEN, the fair lady

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"You honestly shouldn't worry about that, Y/n. It'll make you die faster if you worry too much."


Y/n was quick to brighten when she fell out of the bed so she could hug the woman.

The Fair Lady smiled fondly at her friend, her arms engulfing the young woman tightly.

"Hello, y/n. Its odd to see you here since you've been living with Pierro. Though, I don't mind. Just means I can talk to you before I go."

"Before you go?"

Y/n curiously asked this as she tilted her head up, her eyes shining with wonder.

Signora released the woman from the hug, her arms then crossing over her chest.

"I'll be going to Inazuma to retrieve the electro gnosis. I don't know when I'll be back so I wanted to talk to you before I left. And just my luck, here you are."

Y/n chuckled a little, "I hope you have safe travels Signora."

"As do I, but .. enough about that."

She narrowed her gaze suddenly, causing y/n to flinch away at Signora's change in demeanor.

"Truth be told, you shouldn't worry about such things, understand? Besides, it is as clear as day that that man wants you, all you have to do is be clear with what you want from him."


Signora huffed and reached out with one of her hands to pinch y/n's cheek, "you heard me, silly girl. When you get home, get your man. Seeing you worry and depressed doesn't sit well with me at all. Nor does it for anyone else."

Signora waited for a nod of confirmation from y/n, and once she was satisfied with the inaudible answer, she gave a smile of approval.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to be going. Be well, y/n."

Hugging one last time, y/n didn't get the chance to say anything as Signora already left. She must have been in a hurry to leave...

Then again, this was the electro gnosis they were talking about. It was Signora's job to go and retrieve it.

All the while, Charlie clapped her hands in delight, "i couldn't have said it better myself!"

Y/n laughed at Charlie's enthusiasm, though, in the back of her mind, she was hoping to see Signora again after this little mission of hers.

But that won't be for a long while.

And a long time is a long time.

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