FOUR, what cannot be given

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Love, the Tsaritsa thought, that was the reason why she never voiced what she wanted. It was definitely something that could not be given with ease.

The Tsaritsa thought for a moment. Her mind at work as she tried to think of how to possibly give Y/n what she wanted.

Maybe one of my harbingers could, at least, simulate what love could be. Not that any of the them would be good for the task.

Tartaglia is too young for her, too wild. He would probably be off finding a good fight rather be being good partner to her.

Arlecchino.. even the Tsaritsa could admit that she was a bitch and would probably be too cold in the relationship.

Sandrone, the Tsaritsa sighed, she would be too focused on other things. Too quiet as well.

Pulcinella was too old, and probably wouldn't have the best interests for a young love anyway. Though the Tsaritsa could see him as being a good father figure to Y/n.

Columbina was a good candidate, but there was also the case of Y/n not being into women in a romantic sense...

Scaramouche would probably insult her and make her cry.

Pantalone would be humble to her but would focus too much on his work and ultimately end up ignoring her.

Capitano .. well, there isn't anything particularly wrong with Capitano, but he seemed to reserved and quiet. And most likely wouldn't be able to connect with Y/n on a close enough level.

Dottore .. he was too insane for his own good. The Tsaritsa wouldn't be surprised if Y/n woke up on an operation table one day if she ever allowed Dottore to be with Y/n.

Then there was Pierro. Much like Capitano, there was nothing wrong with him. He was so cold though. Would he even be able to create a connection with Y/n?

The Tsaritsa let out a troubled sigh. It had only been a few days since the ceremony had ended and Y/n had remained in her bed ever since it had ended. Many agents had come to greet the shield of Snezhnaya with great respect and honor. Though, their voices were quite shaky since Pierro was standing by her side the whole time.

"My Lady."

She was easily broken out of her thoughts and it was then that she noticed how small ice shards started to surround her throne.

"What is it Pierro?"

The Jester analyzed Snezhnaya's ruler. His gaze remaining as cold as it always was. But his tone was considerably softer when he spoke with her.

"Are you thinking about what Y/n had said a few days ago? Because it seems you've been troubling yourself over her words as of late."

"As perceptive as always, Pierro."

She stood from her throne and started to pace about the grand hall, "as you are probably aware, she isn't long for this world, and I had wished to grant her a wish that she desired. But .. how am I supposed to give her someone to love? I would have one of you, my dearest harbingers, try to form a relationship with her, but .. I fear that most of you aren't completely sane for the task."

"May i suggest something, my lady?"

"You may," she said, a bit tired from her thoughts and troubles of trying to help Y/n.

Pierro gestured to himself, "i cannot promise to formulate a loving relationship with her, but I can, at least, give her someone to lean on. All for your sake, of course."

"You would do that," the Tsaritsa asked sounding astounded by his offer.

"Of course. She is the shield of Snezhnaya. I, too, see the advantages of giving her last few years some peace since she has served you so well thus far."

The Tsaritsa smiled lightly, picturing Pierro escorting Y/n wherever she went.

"Alright, but be warned Pierro. She must be protected at all costs. So if you plan to make her last few years a little less painful .. don't. hurt. her."

"All I will do is talk with her. Besides, we have been lenient with her security for quite some time now. And many of our nation's enemies have picked up on that."

"..indeed..," the Tsaritsa muttered before sighing. Her form walking back to her throne so she could sit idly.

"Alright, you have my permission. Please make y/n's last few years happy ones. I'm not asking you to fall in love with her or anything. Just .. just make the rest of her life a happy one."

Pierro bowed to the Tsaritsa. His hand covering his heart, "I will."

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