TEN, an interruption

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"I want to kiss you."

The words had slipped from his mouth before he could stop them.

Her lips parted as she tried to process his words. Though, her mind was working at a dangerous pace. She couldn't focus at all.

He was still caressing her face with his fingers. The warmth of his palm pressing lightly against her jawline as his thumb would trace circles against her cool skin. He was leaning in close to her too. His body heat radiating off of himself and warming her to the bone.

"K-kiss me?"

She felt her face heat up. Her palms became unbearably sweaty. She could feel her lips tremble when he leaned in closer to her.

"Is that question an invitation? Or do I have to wait for you to say it more confidently?"

She could practically heat the smugness in his voice. He was handling this so effortlessly.

His thumb ran over her bottom lip, gently applying pressure to it before moving his thumb underneath her chin and pushing her head up.

"Well, Y/n?"

"P- Pierro, kiss-"

"Miss Y/n, I'm back with the- o-oh"

Charlie stood frozen in the doorway.

"Oh my! I'm- I'm so sorry!"

She practically through the blankets into the room and slammed the door shut behind her.

Both the Shield and the Harbinger could only sit in silence for a moment before Pierro broke, "I'm surprised i haven't killed your maid yet."


Y/n whacked him on the shoulder.

Not that that did anything to him though.

With a small chuckle, he merely leaned forward still and placed a gentle kiss on the corner of her lips. It wasn't a full kiss, but it still made her feel hot all over.

"Get some rest, Y/n," he said gently as he moved his hand from her face to brush his fingers through her hair.

His body slowly getting up from her bed.

"W- wait!"

She grabbed his sleeve and he was once again blessed with the sight of her shyness and how her bashfulness would get the best of her.

"I thought- i thought we were going to talk for a moment. Like we usually do."


He grabbed her hand and held it for a moment while making sure she gave him her full attention when he sounded out her name.

"If I stay, we will surely not be talking."

HIS SHIELD, pierroWhere stories live. Discover now