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THIS is not connected to the story , it is instead a little excerpt of what is to be expected + a little celebration of this book reaching +3.7k views

I swear, pierro is so underrated

warning :: ( slight ) mature content + short

reminder :: this is here for a celebration and as preview for something ...

"P - Pierro," she moaned out. Her hands lightly gripping the edges of desk.

One of his hands were pressed harshly down on her upper back while his other gripped her left hip. Her legs being forced apart as he slammed his lengthy cock into her tight, wet entrance. Her walls gripping around him with every thrust.

She panted as he angle himself and find a new spot to abuse within her.

"Louder, Y/n. I want to hear you scream."

She winced when she felt him slap her ass. A yelp escaping her bruised lips when she felt another. Though the pain was quickly replaced when his hand was lightly groping and massaging her ass. Though, the brief sense of pleasure was soon replaced when the hand pushing her upper back down trailed up to her head. His body leaning dangerously forward as he pushed cock further in. His tip penetrating parts of her that she didn't know could even be reached.

His fingers slowly entangled themselves into her hair before yanking her head back.

"Don't get all quiet now. Not when I'm just getting started with you."

She whimpered a little, "Pierro," she mewled, "please, please go harder. Deeper."

He huffed at her requests and leaned forward into her again. His lips gently pressing against her shoulder.

"Is that all you want me to do? Is that as far as you want me to go? Come now, Y/n, I know you can ask for more."

HIS SHIELD, pierroWhere stories live. Discover now