FIFTEEN, him and her

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She pressed her fingers ever so gently to her lips. Her smile was soft. Her eyes glistening as she thought back to the wedding she had just a few days ago.


"Y/n, I was just meant to be someone who could lean on and talk to. This was never meant to be anything but a harbinger and a shield working side by side. I felt as if my only purpose left was to assist the Tsaritsa. To do nothing but serve within the fatui, but then I fell in love with you. I've fallen for all of you. Your entire being. The way you speak, the way you act, the way you look at me when you're trying to ask for something. Everything about you is something that I didnt even know that I have longed for."


She giggled to herself as she fell back into her new bed. Her feet kicking lightly in the air as she felt like a girl in love. (She knew better, of course, she was, in all actuality, a young dying woman in love, but this was just .. a minor detail.)

"I do, I do, I do."

She repeated the words as she pressed her fingers to her lips again. The kiss he gave her to seal their marriage was still fresh on her mind.

His lips were warm, well sculpted. He had cradled the back of her head gently and titled her chin up with his other hand when he kissed her so gently. But even with his gentleness, she could feel his strength. The hard press of his skin, how his teeth lightly bit at her bottom lip.

She loved every second of it.

Though, her little daydreams of her wedding were quickly ceased by the sound of the front door opening.

Yes, a front door. The front door of home located in a secluded part of the mountains which was close to the Tsaritsa's palace.

The Tsaritsa had it especially made for her after the wedding. Speaking of which, only a few people know of the two marrying one another. The Tsaritsa being the only one present at their wedding while the other harbingers .. weren't invited (or told). And since Dottore wasn't much a talker to the other harbingers, it was safe to assume that he didn't tell anyone of Pierro's proposal.

Furthermore, neither Pierro or y/n had any living relatives so a wedding with just them, a priest, and the Tsaritsa seemed good enough for them. They weren't too big on anything fancy anyway (even though the Tsaritsa suggested getting married at the palace instead of a church-).

"Welcome home, Pierro!"

She had gave a bright smile to him when she poked her head around the corner of the hall. Her eyes, to him, seemed even brighter than usual.

"I told you that you don't always have to wait up for me. It's already so late."

He held out his arms to her after he hung up his coat by the front door. She, immediately getting the signal, easily fell into his embrace.

"I know, but I like waiting up for you. Since you always have to leave during the day I feel like the mornings and nights are the only times I get to talk with you."

She looked up at him, not a hint of regret in her eyes or voice.

Though, he did notice how her eyes flicked to lips before meeting his gaze once more. The small action caused him to smirk a tiny bit. So he let one of his hands leave her waist and trail up to caress her cheek.

Honestly, this woman.

Despite his thoughts, he did, however, fall into her silent need and bent down to kiss her.

Well, whatever, the married life isn't so bad .. if its with her.

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